Chapter 8 - My Forth

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Warning... Very Mature content ahead

Beam gripped Forth's hand and pulled him to the bed.

"Get up. You are not allowed to sit here. Sit in the study chair."

Nix stared at Beam in shock. He sneered back. He wasn't stupid. He knew he had been the problem in their farce of a relationship but if she thought that he would willingly bow out because of that, she was sadly mistaken. No fucking way was he letting this bitch get her clutches into his Forth.

She slowly rose when Forth put forward no argument and sat on the chair with a loud sniff. 

"Now as I said. What are you doing here? And you Forth, when girls like her show up at your door, they only want one thing. You don't let them in."

"Aaaiiiiii! You Beam are a son of a bitch! What are you trying to say?"

"What did I say? I don't give out any important information. You must be feeling guilty."

"Now I recall why I have always hated you. You make my blood boil. Leave him Forth. You will not regret being with me." Beam gaped. This hussy was too much.

"And as I said. Beam makes me happy. I will not leave him for God much less for you. What are you really after here Nix? Are you sure that your supposed feelings are true or are you just taking this time to get back at Beam for first year? He has never lied about how much he failed as your boyfriend but I don't think you tried that hard either. Beam and I try very hard for each other. Beam had online quizzes tonight and I told him to come by and see me tomorrow. Yet he took the extra effort to come to me now." Beam smiled sweetly at Forth.

"Did you try to work things out with Beam then? Did you make the effort to communicate and help him reach your level? There is no such thing as a boyfriend on command. No man enters a relationship automatically knowing what to do. It all requires some thought and effort. Now, I really need to spend time with Beam. You are cutting into the little free time that we have." Forth stood and led the way to the door. Beam followed to stop her from making any sly moves. When she tried to hug Forth, he slipped in between, arresting her movement and gave her his patent death glare.

Once she stepped over the threshold, Beam nudged Forth out of the way and slammed the door, locking it. 

"Forth. What did she say to you?"

"Beam," Forth looked at Beam's tense face and sighed. He lead Beam to the bed and pulled him down into his embrace. "She came by and said she wanted to speak to me quickly and was I alone. When I let her in she asked if you and I were really together. When I said yes, she asked if I would be willing to leave you and be with her."

Beam hissed and smacked Forth on the arm in annoyance.  "What did I tell you? A total bitch. What else did she say?"

"Well I told her nothing would make me leave you unless you yourself asked me to do so. Since you didn't have a reason to break up, we would be together for a long time. I honestly found her disrespectful and if she needed any further confirmation, I would call you. That's when I called but you were already here."

"I love you Forth. I know I can be stubborn and I rarely say the words but I really do love you and you have so much patience with me. I couldn't ask for a better lover."

"I love you too Beam. I never thought you were an option until that night but I'm glad I pursued you and made you mine."

"I'm glad you did too. I always want you Forth. Sometimes it scares me so much how much I want you. I could be with you every night and it would never be enough."

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