Secrets Revealed, The Stories She Desperately Wanted to Boast About

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  "Your insane." Ming stated wonderingly. "Simply insane." 

She laughed and laughed and laughed.

"You don't know me. You don't know all the things I've done. You're just a stupid little boy who pissed me off and when I get through with you, there will be nothing left to save." She hissed gleefully.

"I'm not even going to consider being with you. I'd rather everyone saw me and Kit doing it." Ming declared flatly and leaned back. He started looking at the door as thought plotting his escape. His face said he was so done with her.

She squinted at Ming. "What did you say? Because I'll do more than that. You'll still come crying to me in the end. Do you know how many have said that and came back to me in the end? All four of those boys I cheated with weren't just momentary joys you know. They were taking their punishment." 

She stood and walked over to Ming, leaned down. "Do you really think I'm that easy?"

"Your not that difficult. You pull any shit and I'll come straight to the source." Ming's face hardened dangerously. "Or did you forget who I am?"

A shiver ran through her but it wasn't fear. This was why she liked Ming, why she wanted to keep him. He was capable of so much violence. The jolly demeanor covered something dark. He had learned how to control it but she had seen flashes of it and it drew her like nothing else. He was so powerful and it wasn't just his money and connections. Ming was a killer; she could sense it. He was just like her.

"I haven't forgotten Ming. I want you to be dangerous with me. I want to make you my special killer. Do what I can't. Come back to me Ming. Kit's easy to forget." She crooned in a seductive voice.

Ming frowned, his attention caught on her comment. "What do you mean? Your special killer?"

Ah, there is was. That wild beast poking out and darkening his aura. Yo and Pha passed just then to go back to the clinic but Ming didn't even glance as them. He could hear the notifications pinging on her phone and he needed to keep her occupied until they got the clinic. 

"Don't you get it? Death is the ultimate revenge. I'm just too weak to do it myself. I have the instinct but not the power. Be my special killer Ming. Be mine."

Ming shook his head. "Your crazy." But he shuddered and she took it as a sign he was weakening. "I don't understand."

"Then let me explain. That first boy I cheated on you with was Dev. He was the one who ripped my dress at the gala. He was rude and crass to me when I confronted him. He called me names and said he know me. That I was a bitch who went after people and tried to destroy them. So I proved to him that I didn't just try.

"She was so beautiful. Sandy was her name. I harass her through my people. I stalked her, posted pictures of her online, sent people to follow her. Oh he came after me but I had him. Sandy's dad wanted her to be with someone else and that person wanted her to be as pure as snow but she and Dev had already been together. Right then that guy was harassing her father because of what I had done so far. Dev said no way. He could deal with things on his own so I released the video. Stupid Dev let Sandy convince him to send her home. They were waiting for her.

"Her father called her a whore and a slut. He basically pushed her onto the guy and told him to do what he wanted. He didn't know that guy was sent there by me. Oh they had so much fun with Sandy and Dev couldn't save her. He didn't even know where she was. So in the end he had to come crawling back to me. He was my first official target. Before that it was all small games. Just me setting up other people. Honestly I thought your Kit night be a simple guy since he flies off the handle so easily but he's way more complex than I expected. I want to see him break so badly."

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