Fun and Games for Everyone

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P'Rend easily adjusted to the helicopter ride and the Bentley waiting to chauffeur them to the cabin. Montree, thought, spent most of the time in wide eyed silence. 

When they got to the cabin, the small view of the outside gave the impression of warm and cozy. However, once you walked in, it was huge, warm, and cozy.

"Yo. Thanks for having us. Why does this place look so small on the outside and so huge inside? How many rooms are there?"

"Just 10. Come on. I'll show you were you need to stay. Relax Mon, you came just in time for dinner."

Rend smiled and gave Yo a wink as they both watched Mon just stare at everything.

"I love it when he gets like this. It's too cute. I just want to pinch his cheeks. Montree, come on. I want to know where I will be cuddling you tonight." Mon blushed scarlet as they came around the corner. Everyone was grinning now, having heard the comment and Mon lifted his hands to hide his face. 

"Is this where we turn the tables and tease Montree?" Ming wondered out loud.

"I know right. I have some good ones ready." Beam smirked.

"Only within reason. I like to be the one who makes him blush," Rend said with a grin and took the smack from Mon with ease. Pha eyed him and knew right away this guy was as possessive of Mon as he was of Yo. He supposed since Mon belonged to Yo, he would need to have the talk with this Rend but the guy wasn't really someone he knew so well. He would have to approach this carefully.

They put their things away and went out to join the others for dinner. Now that everyone had met Rend at the breakfast the last time, everything flowed much more smoothly. There was medical talk, Moon talk, drinking talk, family talk, and Rend was clued in on the current situation with Kit, Ming, and Tiff.

"Damn. You guys are a magnet for troublesome people. but then again people always want beautiful things I guess and do damn fool things to get them." Rand nodded to himself.

"Having that problem right now?" Pha asked softly. Rend looked at him and sighed.

"I want to protect him but I don't know how long I can."

"I thought that with Yo too and look what happened. Better alert him so he's on his guard than have him be taken unawares. Mon can hold his own but he's been hurt and he still has a bit of innocence."

"A core of sweetness." Rend agreed. "It's the part that attracted me the most. I don't see that often in people around me."

"Your a Suridijad? The ones who own the Suri Amada Hotel line?"

"Yep. The Hilton of Thailand." He said derisively. "We recently went into cosmetics, jewelry, shit like that. Sold exclusively at our hotel stores. Dad's still pissed that I didn't go to business school. He's got a perfectly capable daughter but she can't inherit because she has a vagina? Her sansan doesn't dictate her intelligence. Bullshit."

Pha saw his point perfectly. Despite their run-ins with this particular gender, there were some perfectly good and beautiful women out there. 

"I hope it all works out." Rend sighed and nodded. They tuned in the the conversation and Pha realized Yo was talking about when he accidentally belly flopped into the heated pool because he was trying to avoid running into the maid who was bring drinks.

"Hey!" But it was too late. Kit and Beam where holding each other up as they laughed like loons, Forth had his head down while his shoulders shook and Ming held nothing back. Mon had his hand over his mouth but his eyes were streaming tears.

"I believe punishment is in order. I'll deal with you later." Pha looked at Yo hotly. Was it punishment if you enjoyed it? Yo wasn't sure about that. 

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