The Meeting That Took 17 Years

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They drove for a long time. At some point Yo passed out and they were all relieved. They had stopped the van one other time to get rid of Yo's and Nate's sickup and Beam had taken the time to get rid of Ming's shirt. The blood on the sleeve was bad enough but there was blood splatter on it from the crazy guy and it was driving Beam nuts so imagine how Kit felt.

When the van slowed, they all looked around. Ming softly nudged Yo awake and he groaned as he woke. The van stopped then the back opened and they were beaconed out. Ming got out first and Sing got out last.

"What the hell is this?" Kit whispered.

"It looks like a mad scientist laboratory in the middle of nowhere." Beam looked around with wide eyes.

"Are we even in Thailand?" Nate whispered timidly. Sing tucked her into his arms.

"I don't think so. If we are, it's no part I've studies in geography. Someone's coming." Ming noted and immediately pulled Kit and Yo behind him. Beam stepped in front to Mon and they all watched and waited.

"Oh my goodness! We have such a large party here. And so many important people too. How is your father Wayo? I heard you were terribly sick on the ride."

Yo stared at her trying to remember who this woman was and how she know him. "Daddy is fine but he might be a bit upset right now since he was on his way to pick us up. We were all going on a trip. I don't do long car rides very well. I was quite sick."

She smiled softly and nodded but Yo sensed she didn't give two shits about him. Her eyes were to cold and blank. She constantly scanned them but Montree had buried his face into Beam's back as he held onto Kit's hand. Kit squeezed his fingers in solidarity and waited for her to say something.

She stared at the men who must have indicated Mon was behind Beam because she suddenly looked at him with a huge smile.

"Do come in, all of you." They all hesitated but the men were suddenly crowding them.

"Where is Pichette?" She asked suddenly, halting their reluctant advance forward.

"Gone. He was a danger to your son Ma'am. Provoking and attempted to attack him. One of the boys was forced to intervene. We couldn't have him continue especially when he pulled a weapon."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear that one of you were hurt. Please. Forgive me. He was one of my men."

"Sure," Ming said passively. He nodded to her gravely and Kit was taken aback. This was a new side of Ming he hadn't yet encountered. Even his parents hadn't gotten this stately yet cold treatment after that incident.

Ming squeezed Kit's hand and started leading them all forward again. There was no getting away and trying was foolhardy. 

They entered the doors and when it shut behind them, everyone's stomach plunged with the finality of it.

"Now," She began but Sing held up a hand. "Yes?"

"Are we safe here with you? Because I'm worried."

"Of course. Why wouldn't you be?" She asked that question with sincere confusion and everyone's jaw hung.

"Are you serious right now? I mean truly serious? You kidnapped us. Our lives were in danger. We are here with no reassurances and while we suspect what you really want, we cannot operate on the expectation that our safety is guaranteed. I beg your pardon but me asking this question is vital for our well being and safety."

"Well. Let us talk." She led them to a room and turned, took a deep breath.

"I had a son over 18 years ago. His name is Keeradenaii Tanin and I made him with Pat tuntayakul, the man they call Midas. Pat never knew about the baby. He was never supposed to know. This baby was meant to be raised by me and the love of my life, Sistine Mongai. Things didn't work out though. One day there was an accident and the baby was suddenly gone." She paused and seemed to gather herself.

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