Onsen Trip, A ForthBeam weekend Part 1

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The moment Beam walked out of his college, all he could see was Forth leaning against his truck waiting for him. He was a sight for sore eyes and so fucking hot. Everyone who passed him called out to him and he would give a little nod but when he caught sight of Beam he broke into that sexy smile.

"Forth told you where you heading off to?" Kit asked quietly.

"No and I really don't care at this point. I just need a break and I need him. Know what I mean?" Beam turned to his friends and caught their eyes.

"Yep. Enjoy." Pha gave an understanding nod while Kit offered a thumbs up.

"Maybe we can do a group thing next time. Ming and I will get on that. Once I survive the dinner, anyway." Beam heard Kit tell Pha and he was totally for that but right now, he had Forth for a whole weekend and he wasn't going to think about anything else. 

"Hey. Are we in good time?" Beam asked as he went through the door Forth opened for him.

"Early actually but we need to beat traffic. Lets go bade." He saluted Pha and Kit then got into the driver's side.

"What about changing?"

"We'll get a chance to do that soon." Forth headed off with purpose and Beam left him to concentrate on the road. He listened to the music and watched the scenery until the landscape caught his eye.

"Are we going to the airport? Forth?" 

"Just follow me ok and don't worry."

They did go to the airport and Forth handed the keys of his precious truck to a guy who looked a bit like him.

"Don't fuck with my girl."

"You say that every time P'."

"And you never listen."

"Is this your Beam? Nice to meet you."

"It's P'Beam to you and don't you forget. Tell Auntie I said hi and I'll see her on Sunday."

Beam watched them but he didn't get an introduction and decided not to ask Forth.

"I'll do the proper thing on Sunday Babe. We need to get changed. I have everything in this backpack for you. There's a clear bag for your used uniform."

"I love you Forth." Forth looked at Beam and chuckled. He led him to the CR and they changed quickly. Then he led Beam to a line and pulled out the necessary documents. They weren't leaving Thailand but it would only take them a little over an hour by plane to get to their destination while it would take roughly the day by car. That was too much work.

They checked in then boarded a couple of hours later and were off. They landed and since they didn't have to collect any luggage, they breezed right through the lines and headed for the taxi stand.

Forth gave directions and Beam just leaned against him and relaxed. They took in everything and enjoyed the ride. Beam was quick and paid the taxi then smirked at Forth who rolled his eyes and led Beam into a... Hotel?

"Greetings. My name is P'Ana. How may I assist you?"

"I have a reservation for Forth Jaruraphum Jamornhun plus 1." She checked her computer and nodded. 

"I see here that you have a 2 night, 1 day reservation in a one bedroom suit, size king. You also requested the day treatment for two Platinum package, which includes a private sauna and access to one of the private onsens until midnight of your second night stay. Is that correct?"

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