Don't Dare Touch What's Mine

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The rumors about the love triangle had everyone watching Kit closely when he was with the gang and when he was with Ming.

"He's never really alone, is he? Always with Pha and Beam. I can't see him being up to no good. The Med students never have time."

"True. Ming is always here looking for him not the other way around. I think that one's false."

And The most annoying comments came from the engineering students but, despite their teasing, they cleared things up quickly.

"Don't you know Ming went after Kit from the start? We all knew at our faculty. He was always Kit this and Kit that. Annoying."

"That Cave Man Moon? He beat his chest and said Me Want Kit all over engineering. Everyone knew he was after Kit from the start. I mean look at those cute dimples. Despite the personality, the face is hard to resist..."

So what if he had the personality of a porcupine? Did that give them the right to always be commenting on it? End of terms started and things got to hectic even for the rumor mill. Kit found the exams were easier simply because he had a great destresser in his room. Ming had pretty much moved into his room and when he got too uptight and tense, Ming dealt with it right away. They would sleep like babies after a round and wake up refreshed. Sometimes they didn't even do a round. Ming would just snuggle him really tight and they would make out a bit or just talk about something not school related. 

He wasn't the only one looking refreshed either. Pha and Beam were utterly relaxed and on top of their game as well. They all actually felt like they did much better than they ever had before and for Pha that was saying something. He had always been effortlessly number 1.

Right after their final, they had a meeting with the professors about the second half of the term. They would be doing a lot of scenario training since third year meant the start of their first set of clinical hours at the hospital. That made everyone sit up straight. They were only required 200 hours total throughout a serious of blocks. They were dismissed but Pha and Kit were asked to stay back.

"Due to you hard work in the incident with Miss Pring, we have decided to contribute that time to your hours. Therefore, Pha, you will have 199 hours and your schedule will be guided accordingly. Kit, you will have 195 hours. Your report to the hospital was quite impressive. The officiating doctor contacted us to express his delight with your overall performance. You both did an outstanding job with the field dressing considering what you had to work with."

"Thank you very much." They both wai.

"I know it doesn't seem like much but I assure you, it can make a difference in the grand scheme of things."

Beam was waiting when they came out. He sighed when he heard the news. "What a relief. I was worried you were in trouble. Well that's good news. I'm a little jealous but oh well."

They headed out and off to the Science Canteen. Yo should be meeting them there soon and then they would all head off to collect Ming and Forth. Kit checked his messages and saw one from Ming. His project had gotten an A so he was exempt from his last final? Kit broke into a smile and did a fist pump. 

"What are you doing?" Beam was looking at him weird. 

"Ming's project got an A! Full marks! Because of that he doesn't have to take the final. It seems that if you get 90 or less, you have to take the final so the whole class was stressing on the project. Ming and a couple of others got through so he's on his way right now."

"Aw! That's awesome. You know, Yo once told me he got in by direct admission. That means he's actually an outstanding guy. Pha got in like that too."

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