Quick Update (Please Read Carefully :)

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Recently someone asked me if I could write another 2 Moons fan fic. I said Ok because I am impatiently waiting for season 2 and I just love this fluffy show. :)

Originally, Sexual Healing was only supposed to be about 20 chapters for the most. That's why I called it a short fic. Currently there are 75 chapters including this one. That's not short at all. And in fact, this story was supposed to include the future of the group. It doesn't. 

I'm not sure yet how I'm going to go about writing this second fic but I want to try it and I will base it on the possible future of the characters. I have already jotted down some notes and I have a good idea of how it will start. I also thought about it and I think this is a great place to end this Fan Fic. I know it was abrupt and I apologize for that. Still I can't think of a better place than this where everyone is safe and working on being happy again with a bright future ahead. Any things that need tying up, I will do so in the next fan fic (like what happened to Mica).

So please don't be too angry with me and I hope that this new venture will be just as enjoyable as Sexual Healing was, though hopefully not as long hehehehe. 

I look forward to your continued support because this story was as much yours as it was mine. You all gave me great ideas and massive feedback that helped me improve my writing and my story. I hope that we can continue this awesome relationship in any fan fics or, hopefully, original stories I may create.

Additionally I realise that in May, it will be a year for me here at wattpad. I also saw that Sexual Healing has a huge number of cumulative views and votes. I have decided to release my BTS fan fic as a celebration of that. So the intro and first chapter will go up on May 7. And if it doesn't well then hopefully it will be soon after because I have no control over tomorrow. Please note that I am aware of the ships in BTS but they will not all appear in this Fan Fic and I can tell you for sure that NamJin is not going to be a thing. Sorry.

So once I close this fan fiction, I will have Noh to give some attention. I want to release the new 2Moons fan fic by the end of this month so I will alternate them as I have been doing before. Then in May I will also have BTS. Good Lord! What did I just do to myself lolololol!

Lastly, I was wondering if you would be willing to leave suggested names for the new 2Moons fic. I was thinking Future Moons but I'm not sure I like that. If you think of anything and want to share then do so and on the 26th or this month (February for future readers) I will write all the names down and randomly pick one from a hat which I think is fair. I'll film it if I have to and upload it to the chapter intro. Or I will try. I can see so many things going wrong with that lol.

So thanks again and I hope to continue writing for you guys.


Nicola aka Niki Ollivierre (Cause I decided to mess with the name changer lol)

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now