The Moon and Stars Dinner

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The students had one more week before finals. In that weekend, there was the Moon and Stars Dinner and Award Event. They, being the body of people who supervised the competitions and the Moons and Stars thereafter, looked at the work the representatives of the many universities did for the year and gave out awards and honorable mentions. 

Invitations were also sent to ex Moons and Stars and campus representatives who were outstanding in their reign as well as campus Moons and Stars who were eligible to receive an award, prize or certificate. Both Yo and Pha were invited. Pha because he was a well known Moon and Yo because he was nominated for some prize. 

Forth was also invited because he was a well known campus Moon and had done an outstanding job with his initiatives. Both Forth and Pha were also asked to assist in handing out awards. There was nothing like a good looking man smiling at you and giving you a prize to make you feel good.

Since Pha and Yo were invited, they both decided to include Rend and Mon as their plus ones so they could all attend the event as a group. The only thing they couldn't control was seating but Pha made sure that Rend would have Yo's back so he wasn't too worried. 

Additionally Nate had been invited. Her clean campus initiative as the Science Star was outstanding. She was also bringing Sing so the whole gang would be there. When Nate told Yo about it, he was so excited that he shouted out in the middle of class and almost got thrown out. He had to give many apologies. Nate had become a regular at their table since she was now going through Yo, Ming, Mon and Forth were going through with their Doctors. They even had a group chat now and were constantly sharing plans about trips and things that made them all happy and stress free.

Suthee was also another campus Moon who would be attending but he was alone. When Yo found out, he asked Suthee to join them and the young doctor said sure because he really didn't want to be alone. 

That Friday evening they set off to Siam where they had booked hotel rooms in the same hotel as the event and got themselves a good nights rest. They had a great time driving over and gathered together to pig out, watch TV and just chat before bed. They hit the hay around 11 which was early for them and got up around 8. Everyone gathered for a huge breakfast then lounged around, had a light lunch, then began getting ready after 4. The event was supposed to start at 6 but Pha and Forth knew that it was socializing that really started at 6. The Dinner itself began at 7 then there was the ceremony at 8ish, then dancing once that was finished.

The large group arrived just after 6 and went hunting for their table. They were shocked to see they were all together and Mr. P would be sitting with them!

Yo smacked Pha's shoulder in surprise then thought it through.

"I did tell him we were all coming so he must have organized this. What luck! We don't have to worry about each other anymore! There he is. Daddy!" Yo hurried over to his father and hugged him. Then everyone got hugs including Sing, Nate and Suthee. Mr. P. remembered Sing well and had seen pictures of Nate on Yo's social media. Now he greeted her well and got introduced to Suthee.

Poor Suthee. He had heard about this man but had never dreamed of meeting him in person. He handled himself well and manged to laugh when Mr. P. said they could be each other's date since both were stag but he didn't realize Mr. P was good at his word. He took Suthee off with him and the two had a grand old time. Yo just shook his head, glad to be on his own for once and stuck with his friends. 

They stood around as a group and welcomed anyone who approached them but didn't separate often. When they did break apart, they moved in pairs and it was very annoying to most of the females present. 

Promptly at seven, the food was rolled out, and served based on indicated requests. The food was often themes, and this theme was Caribbean. The MC explained that chefs were specially invited from several islands to prepare the foods. He explained that due to the colonization of the islands by Europeans, as well as the influences of the native Indians, the African slaves, then later Indian and Chinese indentured servants, Caribbean foods were quite a melting pot of dishes. The chefs had carefully blending foods that represented all of the islands so there were mini rotis, macaroni pie, stewed chicken, provisions, coleslaw, and samples of other unique dishes.

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