The Busy Lives of Others...

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While our treasured lovers are busy with school and life, there were other little busy bees going about their business as well...

After the incident in the Cafe, for which Four heard every detail from Two, he set off on a journey. He needed to learn more about this 'Uncle' and unlike the others, he wasn't necessarily looking for a man. The girl was nuts so she wasn't trustworthy. That meant anything could come from her mouth. He could be looking for her pimp, her mom, her grandma even. 

He went to her neighborhood and sourced out her friends. Four could be charming and sexy like the rest of them. He just claimed he was looking for Ming and needed to speak too Tiff to track him down. Chicks easily shelled out all of her hiding places and hangouts. He checked them out one by one and found out some interesting things. He also found Kimi. She couldn't make a sound but she had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen as she worked to gather money for this shelter.

He started talking to her and before he knew it, she started talking back... well passing him notes. They communicated like that for days then suddenly her brother showed up. They knew each other right away and Four had disappeared. 

He came back at a different time the next day and she was pissed at him so he begged until she listened. He used to be in a gang and still hung out with some of his old members but He never made a kill by choice and Tiko hadn't trusted him for that reason. When he was given the option to kill a rival gang member or leave, he chose to leave. 

What was the point of killing the guy anyway? When no one would tell him, he asked that the kid be let go. Turned out he had made the right move as the kid shaped up after that and started topping his class. Now wasn't that something? He still talked to Tiko casually too but the guy never trusted him and when he dies and the gang went to Mex, that guy trusted him even less.

Now he was secretly courting Kimi and her brother was going to be a problem. That guy he had saved would have been a member of Monk's gang. Monk still thought he ran with the boys. Well he did... casually... like that. It was all by association now more than anything else but that association was going to get him killed if he wanted to continue to see her. She was the type of girl he would give up bachelorhood for. He could actually get married. They could have kids... 

What the fuck...

He even told Kimi about his personal mission. He needed to get back on that too. Shit. He was so distracted! 

He sat and made a plan. He would pass Kimi a note on the back of some donation money and go do his business. He would do that everyday and if she disappeared for any reason, he would confront Monk if he had too. He needed to make 'Uncle' his priority right now for Ming's sake. Well, and Kit too.


Dr. Kush walked into her office with a smile after she made her rounds the felt the smile drop off her face.

"Hello Sissy. What are you doing here?"

"Just a friendly visit. How have you been I haven't heard from you at all lately."

"I've been dating actually."

"Ah yes. Kongthanin. I hear he is really good. Has a name for himself in neurosurgery. Do you think he would be interested in joining our company or at least making connections with us?"

"Not at this time. He has a son who is also interested in becoming a doctor. They are trying to catch up."

"Catch up?" 

Kush nodded and moved to her fridge. "Would you like anything? I have fresh juice from my home and this is a fresh pot of coffee made by me."

"No thank you. I just had brunch. Did you see him?"

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora