Self Assessments

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They showed the good doctor to his room so he could rest and all went off together to talk. The cake went with them and the wives were not surprised that it tasted so good. It had smelt delicious and they almost forgot to leave a bit for the doc.

"So. Lets have a little group sharing because we really are off with our vibe. It's making me uncomfortable." Kit opened up the floor.

"Who wants to go first?" Pha looked around and saw everyone was avoiding his eye. "OK well then I will. I'm putting my plate in the center of the table here and I think we should allow the speaker to talk freely and if someone wants to interrupt then they can raise a hand. Is that good?"

"That's fine." They all agreed so Pha put his plate down in the center of the little table they sat around and cleared his throat.

"I thought I was going to lose my mind. When Forth called, I thought he was calling to tease me because he got there before I did but what he said made my heart drop and I started running. He was speaking and I couldn't hear him over the blood rushing in my ears." Pha paused to settle himself because remembering got him all worked up. Yo eased into his lap and hugged him. Immediately everything inside him settled.

"I realized something after a while though. It wasn't just Yo that I missed. I did miss Beam and Kit too but mostly I missed everyone. We have become quite the little family and I never realised i depended on each of you for different things, even Nate and she was the last to join our little group. I missed Montree blasting Kpop everywhere and Nate doing facials with Yo and Beam. I missed Kit looking at them like they were nuts then being talked into doing one too. I missed Beam's rabbit food and Ming's pork skewers. They were the most random things that I would think about and yet I never realised how much all that madness meant to me until you guys were gone and I didn't know where you were."

Everyone was looking at Pha now and Mon's who had already been emotional for the day, felt his eyes start leaking again.

"I don't regret our bonds and yet I had the oddest thought. If we weren't all friends, I wouldn't be feeling like this. It's a selfish thought and I don't know where it came from but it made me feel unsettled and guilty. Before there was just six of us and even then it was six too many. Why did Ming and Forth have to come along and then Montree is the cause of all of this. He had to go and join our group. It was almost like those little anime demons form Yo's shows were whispering in my ear and I jut wanted to take everyone who was important to me and run but when I think about who was important to me, it was all of you so, I'm sorry. I feel guilty about that and I just wanted to say."

"Can I go next?" Sing asked and they all nodded. "I sort or felt like that too. When everything was happening, I was like, what the fuck? This is all happening because I let Rend become friends with you guys and then I immediately felt bad for thinking that because you guys are the best friends ever. Like I could only depend on Rend before and now I have a whole network so the weird resentment was kind of freaky for me especially since I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I actually got really quiet because of it because I didn't want to say of do anything stupid in that stressful situation. I even talked to Nate about it and she said the most interesting thing. She said that I really want to blame Mica but I don't know her so my mind automatically goes to what I do know and understand and that's us so while I don't want to make excuses, it sort of makes sense to me. It's like lashing out at the ones you love because the other option is an unknown element."

Beam put his plate in the center of the table and took a deep breath. "I wanted to be a mean old bitch to everyone and yes, I know how crazy that sounds because I'm a mean old bitch all the time." Everyone laughed and the mood was immediately lightened. Beam sighed. "I was really worried about Forth because apparently I never realized I had seperation issues. Well actually that's a lie. I knew I had them but I thought I was ok now because everything was settled for me and I felt like I finally found my place, like I had nothing to worry about because Forth was holding on to me. Even when we seperated for winter break, I was ok. This was not ok because I wasn't expecting it. I was also like Sing said. I wanted to blame everyone and I had to sit myself down, put on one of Forth's t-shirts and be rational about the whole thing. Otherwise you guys would have hated me by now and I would be trying really hard for forgiveness.

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