The History of Mon and Rend

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Montree's full name was Passakorn Sakda. Sakda was not his mother's last name so he always assumed it was his father's. She told him that they used to live together and he was their little sun. That's what his name meant. Sun. 

Well at some point the sun lost it's shine because his father left before he could remember him. He did have a picture but it was faded and old and useless. 

He wasn't sure if the loss was what caused his mother to lose track of herself but from the time he was about 5 to about 10, she was an aimless fixture in his life. She was there yet he couldn't depend on her so he learned how to take care of himself and he was lucky. He made friends easily and adults fell for his cute and chubby face. They helped him at the grocery store to buy things and sometimes even bought things for him. 

He figured out what begging was very early and he figured out he was the type people fell for. They gave money to him easily when he looked pitiful. He hid it carefully because his mother would find it and spend it on the smoke stick. The really horrid smelling one. 

Mon would later figure out it was Marijuana when he came to school smelling like it one day and the teachers discussed it as they watched him. He was always listening because how else could you survive around adults who thought they knew better yet did nothing?

He understood that if it happened again, the teacher would call social services. He made sure it never happened again and trudged on. Teachers were always pleasantly surprised when he knew about things like money so easily but they never questioned it. They just praised him and gave him rewards.

When he was 10, his mother had an episode... for lack of a better word and had to be taken to the hospital. This was when Mon figured out what bipolar disorder was and that his mother had it. She also had a huge bill but Mon found out that it had been taken care of by a private benefactor. it was explained that the woman saw that he needed help and since she had a daughter who took her life because of this disease, she decided to help Montree. 

This benefactor is the reason why he got to go to university. He had plans to work on studying the human brain and how to possibly cure the imbalance so people wouldn't lose loved ones to the disease. He was doing this all for his benefactor. He always sent her letters every month and made sure to send her his school results and now, copies of his college transcripts. 

Yet through it all, Montree hadn't managed to lose his core innocence and love of life. His mom was sick so she didn't do the things she did willingly. He understood that. Still, she had helped him find the means to survive and because of her, he had a benefactor and a future without debt. 

Born a year and four months before Montree is Ajax Suridijad. His father had looked to the Greeks for his name and had found one he liked the sound of. Rend had been raised by his nanny and rarely saw his mother and father. He attended school only for special examinations and was allowed to take special tests the older kids took. He even beat a lot of them. His scores were always in the top five in whatever test he took and his reward was always to get to see his parents.

Only, he didn't really see the reward in that. He was perfectly fine in not seeing them at all. All they ever did was say he did well but he could have been number one.

Rend only knew and loved his sister. She helped him understand numbers which his father insisted that he learn and she was someone he could talk to. They confided in each other and were always together. This was how he learned that their parents were not happy with her. She was not like the proper daughter. She was too intelligent and most of the other fathers felt she would challenge their sons. 

She had asked her brother what to do and Rend hard told her, any boy should like her for her brain and shouldn't care how smart she was. She was an asset to any family as she would make them grow far superior an even their family could. 

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