The Kids Are All Right... Sort Of

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Hi all. Short note at bottom of chapter :)

Screaming pierced the night and Yo jolted out of sleep only to have it instantly cut off. He looked around blarily only to find Pha staring at him in absolute despair. His eyes widened and he immediately crawled into Pha's lap and felt his lover wrap his arms around him.

"I tried waking you up but you wouldn't budge. I could only watch over you." pha said quietly, his arms like comfortable iron bands that made Yo feel sheltered and protected.

"But that's more than enough for me. As long as you're there when I wake up, I'll be ok. Where are we?" Yo looked around. He felt so disoriented and like he was still in mid flight.

"In your place in Spain. Are you sure your ok?" Pha had picked up on this new trend. When Yo woke up after this terrible dream, he often was lost as though he couldn't tell reality from the nightmare.

"Yeah. Still sleepy. Hold me?" As if he had to ask. 

"Always baby. You know that." Pha eased them back down on the bed and wrapped himself around Yo like a boa.

Yo smiled and easily slipped back into sleep but not Pha. That scream had made him shiver to his very core. He didn't know what to do to make them stop and not just for Yo's nightmares either. He had nightmares of his own. It was why he was awake now. They needed help. Desperately.

Directly after the attack, they had flown to the nearest hospital, had Forth all wrapped up and gave the parents time to disburse back to their homes to await whatever action needed to be taken. The boys and Nate didn't want to stick around though and had voted to go to Spain as planned. So off they went, stopping off in England quickly because Mr. P had some quick business, and the rest of them did some shopping with some special card he provided at the hotel. Then they were off to Spain where they had landed that evening.

The past three nights had seen Pha being woken by Yo's screams and having to face his disorientation. Something had to change and for the better because Pha couldn't handle the stress anymore.

Later that morning, he pulled Rend, Ming, and Sing off to Forth's room and shut the door.

"How has Beam been sleeping?" He asked by way of introduction before he even sat on the foot of Forth's bed. Everyone else found a spot.

"Has Beam been sleeping? I wouldn't call it that. He barely closes his eyes before he's suddenly awake again looking like the devil just showed up in his dreams. It's pissing me off frankly, because he can't miss sleep. He needs to rest." Forth stated. The doctor had stressed bed rest for the next couple of weeks. Forth had been moving around thought but for Beam's sake, the moment he felt tired, he took a nap or just lay down with Beam and tried to talk him into cuddling.

"Get him to talk. After that thing with Pring, Kit and I have been working on being more open. The first chance I got, I locked Kit down and we had a sharefest. Kit still has terrible dreams but they could have been much worse considering." Ming said. "Besides I'm sure the school would have at least known what's happened. They would have to send their assessors to check on us. You know, like that time after what happened with Pring." Ming felt is was ok to be open about this. They all know about Kit's nightmares and Kit wouldn't mind if it helped them all.

"Oh. Oh shit. Right. Can we go in as a pair cause you know Beam will brush that person aside like a bug." They all sighed and nodded. That was so true about Beam.

"Yea you can do that. Kit and I do it." In fact, he didn't do anything without Kit these days. It was going to be so hard when Kit had his basic hours to do.

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon