The Shit Storm of Epic Proportions

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"Oh My God! It's over!" Nate laughed at Mon's shout of joy and shook her head. They had just walked out of their final exam and she personally thought that was the hardest one but it was mostly because she was tired. 

It was the first week in May and summer school was the week of the first of June and ended the week of the first of July. They were going to make a run for it for the three weeks to one of Yo's Dad's places in Spain. Yo had come up with the idea himself and had suggested it to the others. 

Once summer school was over, they planned to take a week off to Yo's cabin then come back to help with the new student Moons and Stars. The med students also started school early and the Wild Doctor's would have their first round of clinical hours next term. Nate was going to miss Sing. They wouldn't be able to see each other for days. She planed to line him about her day every day even if it was boring so he could hear her voice. She would be glad for a reply but she wasn't expecting one really. 

Mon had also suggested doing little videos too and she was going to think about that as well. 

"Come on. Let's go already. I want to see if Pha put those things I told him too in my bag."

"What things?" Mon's head swiveled hard. Nate blinked then remembered Yo was into... She blushed and looked at him too.

"No. Not that. I packed those ages ago. My toiletries. Since I used them this morning, I asked him to pack them. His exam was at 10 but he was yawning when he dropped me. I told him I would come with you but he wanted to drop me."

"You mean he wanted to kiss you," Elephant had snuck up on them.

"That too but anyway. Lets go." The whole fairy angel gang was now behind them as Yo hurried. He got to Pha's car and popped the trunk. He quickly checked everything then gave them a thumbs up. Nate looked around and saw a cute guy she had been seeing around lately. He was always looking at them. Well at Twin 2. She suspected he was the secret boyfriend and she had said as much to Mon.

"There he is again. Him eating the paella over there." She nudged Mon and jerked her head. The guy must have caught her because he quickly started packing his stuff but Mon was faster.

"Hey! Don't run away. Are you the guy who is dating my friend?" He pointed to the twin in question who looked confused.

"No." They both said at the same time.

Nate was appalled. Jeez. How embarrassing. He had been staring thought.

"Well who are you checking for then? Cause Yo is taken by a med student who will kill you if you so much as breath on him." Mon was in boss mode all the way right now.

The guy blushed. "I actually know about Yo and Pha. I know about you and Rend too and her and Sing. I'm in Med too. I'm a first year. I asked Suthee about you guys."


"Cause... Can you just... I wanted to ask him out."

"Um. Which him? Because most of my sons are bottoms so your shit out of luck if you are a receiver." The boys had taken to calling Nate mom and she did mother them. Spoiled them rotten actually.

"Not all." He looked at Elephant and blushed. Elephant blinked. Nate tugged on Elephant and pulled him aside. Yo had given them these names. The twins were Chicken and Crow, then there was Elephant. Nate called him by his proper name thought.

"Gen. I know you act like a bottom but this is your chance. He wants you." She took in his shocked and pale face. 

"But... I've never topped. I mean most guys get the wrong idea so I've never had the chance. I'm not exactly manly." He was sweating with nerves now.

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