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With some supervision, lunch turned out perfectly. Beam and Kit told Ming to nix the boiled veges and Forth would just do a salad while Pha and Rend took directions about seasoning the meat. The husbands started out listening well but soon got confused by all the orders and kicked their wives out of the kitchen.

Kit stuck his middle finger up at the closed door then went off to call his dad. 

"Mr. P has them good now. There were so many things confessed. I still can't believe we were able to go in and plant them. The man she called her private investigator? He is her gardener. Only her gardener."

"So Ming is a go when we come back?"

"You are free to confront her for your peace of mind but we have her."

"Ok. I'll talk to Ming about it. He may want to but if he doesn't, you can all close it. We got so much further than I expected."

"I think he will want to say a thing or two to her. Ming is that kind of boy. He will want to defend you and set things right." 

Mr. I wasn't wrong at all. When Kit brought it up over lunch, Ming didn't hesitate. "I'll be there just like we planned. I know we intended to get her to confess to me but then Uncle got involved. Still, I got some things I want to say to her."

"What if I want you to back off?" Kit asked because he was honestly satisfied with all that they had done. Maybe it was the peace of the cabin, but he wasn't gong ho to get her any more. Ming winced and scratched his head. He ran his hands over his face and seemed to make a decision.

"Ok P'. If that's what you really want, I am wiling to back off and just watch her be led away with satisfaction. If I really need to ask her something, I'll let our lawyers do it in court."

"I love you Ming."

"I love you too P'. Why did you say it just then?" Ming didn't really see what he said was important. He was simply giving up an awesome chance to stick it too Tiff because it pleased Kit.

"Cause I know you really want to out her but you were willing to back off for me. It's weird but I feel really relaxed about the whole thing now."

"Because you are here and she is the furthest thing from your mind. It's a bit like how I felt when I was home after the incident. I felt so far because I was in a safe place."

"Almost like it never happened right? That's how I felt when we went to the Onsen and Nix was further and further away."

"Yeah until she became our problem. What was up with that weekend anyway? Two crazy chicks in as many days and Ming and I got saddled with them. They weren't even our crazy chicks!"

"Shit," Pha said when the realization sunk in. "What the hell! And you went from all that to dinner at Ming's house. It's no wonder you got nightmares."

Kit's face stained red and Ming immediately jumped on him. "P', what are you hiding?"

"What!? Nothing! I swear." They all stared at Kit until he sunk into his seat.

"Baka! Stupid Ming!" Kit launched up and rushed from the table. Pha got up and went after him before Ming could blink out of the shock. He caught up quickly to Kit and tugged him into one of the free rooms.

"Kit, why did you run off like that? You know Ming only worries about you."

"Because I didn't want him to know! I hate it. I feel like something is wrong with me when I start having the stupid dreams."

"Kit... Are you crying?"

"Shut up! Stupid Pha." He dashed the tears away and looked down.

"I'm sorry. Now I wish I hadn't brought them up."

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now