Chapter 3 - You have to be Strong

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Yo rushed out the door and saw Beam and Kit heading his way. They had changed and Beam was looking as immaculate as always while Kit looked relaxed and his single dimple winked at Yo when he smiled.

"P'Beam! P'Kit! Thank you so much for coming na. I am sorry I caused you so much trouble."

"It's good that you realize so you can make it up to us." Kit said and laughed. Ming watched him from the door and sighed. He rarely got that sweet laugh and only ever when they were alone.

"We'll let you know the time and place. Make sure there are lots of girls there na."

"What about P'Forth?"

"He can join me. Looking at them isn't the same as being with them," Beam joked. He know Forth was listening.

"Get out of my way bitches. And you! Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting for you for weeks!"

Yo gaped at Montree. The fairy leader grabbed his hand and started dragging him off. "I don't want to hear anything from you right now. I have words to say to you and you better follow me you cutie. you have caused me a lot of trouble."

Yo let Montree drag him off as he turned to the others with a desperate look. Were they going to just let him be dragged off? Their wicked smiles said it all. He was stuck with angel leader number 1.

Mon opened a door, looked around, then hauled Yo inside.

"Listen Yo," He was suddenly very serious. Yo blinked and prepared himself for whatever Mon had to say.

"I'm really sorry. we should have taken the phone calls and so one much more seriously. All of us sort of brushed it off as a jealous fan incident and that was wrong. I'm not sure what Park did to you. And to think I liked the guy, but anyway, Phana called me and asked me favour. Everyone knows your status now. You are the wife of Phana Kongthanin. He will never let anyone hurt you. Sadly, by hiding, you are hurting him."

"I realize that now."

"Good. You have to show your face and support him Yo. He is hurting as much as you. He has to live with the fact that he wasn't there to protect you from Park and all he can do is stop the damage after the fact. He beat the shit out of Park you know. The school was discussing what they should do but no professors saw him do it. Your father came to the school and protected Pha. He also used his influence to get Park kicked out."

"How do you...? Nevermind. You always know everything that is happening."

"That's right bitch. Yo, some people are looking down on him for being with you. You know that you have to be strong now right? What Park did to you was bad but he is gone and there are people now depending on you to be there for them. They want to support you but you have to believe in yourself and support them back. I know you can be insecure but now is not the time to show you are vulnerable. Do it when you are in your dorm behind closed doors. When you are outside, always have that cute smiling face or they will eat you alive with mean words."

Yo reached over and hugged Mon.

"Thank you. I will try my best to be strong. I'm really glad you came."

"Good. So when are you coming back to school. Elephant misses you and the twins are unbearable without you."

"That's what you complain now."

"Come back on Monday. Na na? Na na na?"

Yo smiled that sweet smile. "Just for you, I will come back. you poor thing. You have suffered so much."

Mon flapped his hand at Yo. "Please! You know it's for Phana that you want to come back. Don't lie."

"Ok ok. It is for P'Pha. Always for P'Pha."

The door suddenly opened. Phana stuck his head in and gave them a quick smile.

"Is everything ok? Dinner is ready. your dad is home Yo."

Mon nodded and hurried out. Yo walked up to Phana and looked up at him.

"Thank you." He said quietly and tiptoed to brush a kiss against Phana's lips. Then he took his grinning P'Pha's hand and led him out to dinner. 

Ok So I will may have a lot of work to do tomorrow because it is my Grandparents anniversary. SO please accept this short update as I don't know when I will be back...

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