The Plans... within more plans

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The man picked up the phone with a slight frown on his face.

"Phana? Are you ok? Are you still at the house?"

"No. I'm with Beam. I'll be going to Yo in a couple of days."

"Ah, I see. Sorry I couldn't meet with you."

"It's ok. I know you are busy. Listen. I understand that there is some board that investigates shady clinics and so on. Do you know anyone involved with that?"

"As a matter of fact I do. An old buddy of mine is a part of that. Did you find something out? Did something happen to you?"

"No, not me but if he owes you any favors, can you call one in?"

"Tell me what you need and I'll see what I can do."


"I can't believe that she's demanding that we come here!"

"Settle down Ming."

"But Dad...!"

"Listen. I'll be honest and say I never really liked your Muwan but Mrs. Intochar has a right to ask us to abide by her wishes. If she chooses to believe Tiff and wants to confirm things then we go along with it because the accusations are overwhelmingly against you."

"I can't believe this."

"Well believe it."

"Excuse me? You may go in now."

They nodded and went in to see the attending doctor."


Mr. and Mrs. Intochar looked pissed as they hurried into the car. Kit was absolutely red in the face and looked very cowed as he walked sulkily behind them. He spent a lot of time looking out the window and got out of the car before his parents did. He almost walked past the wagon but paused and went down to look under it.

"What are you doing? Get up!"


"Now! Do you want me to be even more pissed with you than I already am?!"

Kit got up and said something very harsh to his mother before he ran into the Daichapanya house. His mother looked shocked then livid as she marched after him. His father only shook his head. He looked a bit tired of it all. They all got inside and the door was closed. You couldn't hear anything from inside the house after that. Both of Ming's sisters arrived soon after with their husbands so it seemed they were making it a family affair.

Inside the house, both parents were greeting each other warmly.

"I'm so sorry about that display outside."

"Don't worry about it. We know we have good kids. Did you get back Kit's fake results?"

"Yes. It says he has herpes simplex type 1 and Chlamydia. The other three tests we did said he was perfectly healthy and normal. This girl is quite a piece of work."

"Isn't she though? And I actually liked her. Despite her haughty ways, she was very pleasant in my home..."

Kit and Ming decided to let their parents talk and went off to Ming's room. Kit checked his messages and saw one from Pha. It simply said Dad is on it... 

"Pha got through." Kit looked over at Ming, who turned and smiled.

"What about Beam?"

"Nothing from him yet but he will take a little longer. He has a lot to wade through. How is your end going?"

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora