Dinner at the Daichapanya House pt 1

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# MIngKit

"Ming, did you leave the three cheesecakes I told you not to touch?" Kit shouted to Ming who was doing something in the CR.

"Of course P'. I only tasted out of the other two." Kit sighed. Why did Ming have to have the metabolism of a cheetah while he struggled with the metabolism of a sloth? He didn't dare try the rich stuff until the actual dinner.

"They were perfect right? I don't have to worry about bringing these?" He needed them to be perfect.

"They were better than perfect. Mom's still complaining because she says you're the guest and you're bringing food but she loves cheesecake so she's not too put out. I swear she just wants to complain about something. It's going on 1:30 P'. Get ready."

"Right!" Kit left the little nook Ming's mom had ordered specially made and joined Ming in the CR. He stripped and jumped in the shower. Ming was already half dressed and fixing his hair.

"Hey P'." Ming called quietly. "Why did you lie this morning?" Kit froze in the act of putting body wash on his loofah. 

"Ming... You knew?" He turned to the shadowy form of Ming he could see through the glass.

"I went to the CR and when I came back you were whimpering in your sleep. You stopped after a bit but I got scared."

"That's cause you woke me up when you came back. Can we talk about this later? Please?" 

"Ok, but I'm not letting this go." 

Kit sighed and smiled a little. "I know Babe." There was silence.

"You called me Babe." 

Kit blinked and sighed again. "Yeah I did. I know I don't use pet names but I do often think of you as my Babe ok. Don't overthink it."

"Kit. Slowly but surely I will get through all of your defenses. Just, trust me to take care of your heart the way I take care of your body. I know you hold back but I figure if I let you all the way in you will do the same for me. I have patience. I can wait for you."

I love you so much Ming. You have no idea how much but I am scared. I am so scared. Giving you my body. That is much easier than giving you my heart. I don't want to be your momentary pleasure. Don't think I have forgotten. I was the other one... I was the outside lover...

They left the house at 2:15, a whole 45 minutes earlier than planned and headed off.

"Kit? Muwan had been to my home. We were together since I was in high school for a little over a year."

"Hum." That phantom pain squeezed at Kit's heart.

"Mom will bring her up. I have never lied to Mom. I told her everything of why I left her and why I am with you."

"I see. I hope that she will not judge me too harshly." Kit looked out the window.

"My mom is a lot like you in temperament. She is a complete tsundere.  It is why I am not bothered by you, why I can easily accept you, why I am able to understand you so well. Why don't you just ask me for her number?"

Kit's head whipped around to look at Ming in shock. 

"I know you need that closure. I will give it too you."

"I am not ready. I know you two still talk."

"Then tell me when you are ready. I will help you." 

They were silent for the rest of the ride. Kit hated when he underestimated Ming. The guy was a loud, glomping puppy but that puppy was very sensitive when it mattered. He willingly admitted that he could be dense when it came to certain things but he proved his love for Kit by paying attention to Kit's emotional needs. 

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