My Birthday Wish, All I need is You

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When your house was in disarray, you fixed it. That was a rule she always stood by. Sometimes it required telling someone what to do. Sometimes it meant handing out some cash. And then there was the odd occasion when you dealt with things face to face.

Then there was the odd thing you couldn't fix at all. The one thing that defied your very existence. This thing came in the form of a woman.

She wore Chanel no. 5 and it was an immediate warning. Had she chosen it on purpose? Then Gil said she always wore the stuff. She had bottles of it. That was bad enough but they behaved similarly and from the moment her precious Mica had seen Sistine, she had fallen in love. What was she going to do with a daughter who was warped?

Mica had always been wild, but she had the girl under control. Sissy came and destroyed that. Then at 16 Mica went and had a baby, a boy, and thought Sistine would be pleased. Then that woman had raised the boy until he was three, letting Mica think they had a chance then made the child disappear and blamed it all on her.

Yes. The bitch said it was all her fault. 

How was she to know a damn client was in the other room? She couldn't find a trace of the woman's existence nor could she find her own grandchild. The child needed to be found and monitored. She wasn't about to have some problem appearing and creating issues for her and her other grandchildren in the future. The boy must be grown now. At least 19. He was legally an adult if he was alive. She wasn't even sure what his name was.

And the damn witch refused to say a word no matter what she threatened. It was hard dealing with someone who had nothing to lose and Sistine had nothing but a vast estate that was making money for her. 

 "How may I help you?"

"I'm sick of this. I truely am. Why are you putting Mica through this?"

"Why are you acting like you care?"

"She is my daughter!"

"She is not a stable person!"

"How dare you?"

"Please. Never once had she asked me how I felt or if I wanted a part of her plot to make me hers. Never once has she thought past herself and her fantasy. Don't you see the problem here? You daughter was raised by you and turned out to be a mental patient. At least mine came by it naturally but you have no history of mental illness in your family. You made her like this. Desperate for love and affection from anyone who was willing to show her some attention. You should have loved your daughter when you had the chance."

She moved to slap Sistine who turned her cheek as thought presenting it for the blow.

"I hate you you stupid cunt and when I find that boy, this will all be over."

"Your acting like I pushed the kid out. He has nothing to do with me. And remember he does have a father. Good look with my cousin. You know who he is right? He will eat you for breakfast."

And she was fucking right to. He would decimate her if he ever found out about his son and her plans.

Her plans... 


The though of getting rid of that problem before it became a problem made her salivate. So why was it so hard to find this boy and keep track of Sissy? 

Because she didn't know she was dealing with a whole lot of crazy.


Mon looked at Beam's exhausted face and felt sorry for him up to a point. He was freaking exhausted too. Finals were coming up and tomorrow was Forth's birthday and Beam had big plans but he looked like he might not make it.

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang