Chapter 9 - Purge

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Yo was the only person capable of walking the next morning among the three men. He spoke to Ming at 9, then quickly dressed and came out to wait for him. Ming picked him up less than five minutes later and brought him to a studio. There he introduced him to the photographer, makeup artist, and other key personnel.

"Did Ming tell you what this would be about?" The makeup artist asked Yo calmly. She was told to be very careful with Yo and if he seemed upset, then she needed to stop and let him calm down or remove whatever he told her to remove.

"Yes he did. He was also clear that I would only be naked from the top up."

"Yes. I are going to make you look like someone who was attacked. We just did Nate. Would you like to see what the makeup looks like?"

"Nate? Yes please." The artist gave Nate a heads up. She welcomed Yo with a smile.

"I missed you this week. Did you get the work we sent for you? And the video lessons and everything?"

"Yes I did, thank you so much. I was planning to have everyone over tomorrow for a catch up."

"I'll be there." Nate stood and showed Yo what they had done. There was bruising and hand print markings as well as a split lip and some marks on her neck like she was choked. It was very well done and Yo was impressed.

"Thank you. We practiced really hard to get this right. We have drops ready but we really prefer it if you actually cried. We want the authenticity."

"I see." Yo swallowed and nodded. 

The two friends chatted as they worked on Yo. When they finally called Nate, Ming was already back.

"Where is P'Kit?"

"Resting. His shoot is tomorrow. He's doing worst possible outcome, death. I can't wait to see it."

"If he's resting, he probably looks like death right now. I hope you didn't handle him too hard. How many rounds was it?"

"Nosy, only three. We already had one at your house."

Yo choked. "You did that at my house?!"

"Well you were the one who told him to kiss me. Getting me all worked up at dinner. That was your fault."

"Right. Blame me for your shit. Maniac."

"What about you and Pha. Back in the sack?"

"No. He... I have a weird reaction." Yo looked away. He felt keenly ashamed just mentioning it to Ming.

"The flinch. We all noticed but we didn't want to say anything." Yo turned back to Ming with a sigh. His best friend was ever astute and never missed something unless it came to his P'.

"Yea well Pha came up with a plan. I'm the one making those kind of decisions right now. I didn't really want to just go right into it you know."

"Yea. You have to test the waters. See how you feel with it. He wasn't the one who attacked you but you never know what demons your brain might create at the wrong time."

"Exactly. I watched it again you know. I wanted to properly see what he did now that everything is out in the open.  How did he know I was there alone? He had to be stalking us. That's the only explanation."

"Or there was someone who helped him."

"The only person who knew Pha was out was Pring and she was a drunk mess. I'm not sure that she would have had it together enough to do anything."

"Maybe she pre-planned. I don't know Yo. Phana is a hot commodity and she thought she had him in the bag until you showed up and proved her wrong. Remember the rumour was that they were together and I'm sure she thought the rumour would be a reality very quickly."

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