What is Safe to do

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Everyone tried talking to Kit but was unsuccessful. He would not open the door and they weren't sure what he was doing or thinking.

Mon eventually got cranky and tired because his hand was hurting so he ordered everyone out of his way.

"Listen here, bitch! I'm sick of the whining for the night. You open this fucking door and reassure everyone or I'm ripping the stitches out of my damn hand that you worked so hard to save!"

The door wrenched open and Kit's bloated and tear streaked face was all up in Mon's.

"Don't be stupid! Do you know what that would do to you. Rend would be so pissed! I would be pissed!"

"Ming is so worried! We are all worried! What are you doing? This isn't the time to worry and sulk. Let's put our nine heads together and save ourselves. They might be after Ming but we were all a part of it and Sing is in hot shit now by association. You can't afford to cry Kit."

Kit stared at Mon with his chest heaving then suddenly hugged him. He pulled away just as fast and quickly wiped his face clean.

"Thanks Mon and everyone. I'm sorry I lost if for a moment there."

"Well I usually yank you out and I didn't even know what to say. I felt very stupid and useless." Beam shook his head and leaned on Forth.

"We all did. Seriously." Pha said quietly.

"Yeah well if it wasn't for this damn hand, I would have been the same. The pain is getting annoying. I think I need my pills. I'm trying not to take them because I can grow a dependency but I really need to not be hurting. I hate pain."

"I have the pills. Lets get water from the room." They all trudged in with Sing closing the door.

"Ok, break this down for me because I missed quite a bit and what I know is from Rend. He's the worst at retelling."

They filled Sing in from the beginning starting with Ming leaving Tiff for Kit. Once they got to the situation in the cafe where Mon was shot, Sing paid careful attention and asked questions. He had been in the psych class with Kit and knew they had fought for top marks. 

Kit had a brilliant mind when it came to the class which had marveled Sing. He came across as a simple person with simple needs so how did he grasp the complexities of that kind of psychological mindset? He look at Pha and Beam. They were definitely complex men in very different ways. Pha was pure alpha but he also was intelligent and purposeful. He wasn't the leader for nothing. Beam was a beta, capable of leading but uninterested. He also had an aura that said he was a wolf masquerading as a sheep. That was very telling. 

Ming was Kit's boyfriend and seemed to be a great guy with a jolly nature, yet he chose Kit. The very tsundere Kit. And they meshed will. Sing assessed Ming. Sure he was jolly and that was very much a part of him but he could be quite the bull. There was that aura of danger that allowed one alpha to recognize another. To Sing, men like Ming were the ones you needed to watch out for. 

He looked back at Kit and saw something flash there in his eyes. "I'm in some very dangerous company. I see that now. I know Rend is ruthless as fuck even when it hurts him to be. Forth is deadly and so is Pha but I'd rather go against them than Ming. Ming worries me the most because he could be the kind of guy who laughs as he kills you. Beam is right behind him because he's the wild card. But you Kit, your the kind of problem no one can account for. You scare the fuck out of me for a different reason. If I wanted to live, my best bet would be appeal to Yo. Mon's the type that might smile and lie as he leads you to your death but Yo at least might make an appeal to save you if you hit the right buttons."

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now