Chapter 14 - The Demon behind Yo's horrors

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After leaving the workshop with his gang, Phana placed a call while driving to the dorm. 

"Phana. You have news."

"Yes Uncle. I got all the information from that person. Do you want me to forward the report to you?"

"I will send someone to collect it in the morning. Have you made plans on how to deal with the situation?"

"Actually Uncle. Your son is making moves of his own. I am not sure what he is up to but I feel it is necessary for him to do this. He has changed a lot Sir but it has all been positive."

"Are you sure that is the best course of action?"

"Honestly, no Uncle but I feel if we stop him now, the backlash from him will be worse than we can predict and he may have setbacks of his own. He has come along so nicely. He needs this closure."

"We protect him too much."

"Yes we do."


At lunch the next day, Yo was very distracted. Phana called him several times and Yo would quickly tune in then lose focus again. Then suddenly he nudged Pha.

"Can I have your phone?"

Pha didn't hesitate but handed it over. He had nothing to hide there. People sent him proposal messages all the time but he always answered that he was taken. If Yo had insecurities, he would easily be appeased.

"I'm expecting a package on Friday or Saturday. Did you have plans for those days?"

"No. Not unless you want to do something. The ball is in your court remember?"

"Ok. Here you are. Thanks."

Pha assumed Yo had been tracking his packages. He let the whole situation go especially since Yo was now much more attuned to their table. He even leaned on Pha a bit and pinched from his plate. 

"Any more trouble from Nix?" Kit suddenly asked. "I ran into her this morning. Pretended I didn't see her."

"Where was she?" Pha asked.

"Stalking our building but Beam was already inside. If she was waiting for him to cause a row, she waited in vain."

"Or she is up to something new. Did you figure out how she got into Forth's room?"

"She asked the attendant to let her in. Said she forgot something. I have to leave my spare with you Kit. A service is coming to clean the room on Friday evening and I need you to open for then or Pha can do it. Forth and I will be gone by the time they arrive."

"Enjoy your trip P'," Yo chimed in.

"Thank you N'Yo. I'm looking forward to it. Here comes Ming."

"Hi guys." He kissed P'Kit's cheek and automatically moved to avoid the wack that never came. He paused and blinked at Kit who blushed but chose to ignore him. Ming sent his lover a beatific smile before turning to Beam."

"P'Beam, can I speak to you really quickly?"

Beam looked up in surprise then nodded. He got up and followed Ming.

"Two things. P'Forth said to give you this. He says you've been holding it for him."

Beam took the gear and put it on. He had been wearing it for some time but Forth had needed it for some event. 

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