Onsen Trip, A ForthBeam Weekend pt 3

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The alarm blares and Beam shoots straight up in a sitting position. Forth has become used to this and eases Beam back into the bed. He turns the alarm off and realizes that his phone is also ringing. Beam moans as he picks it up and answers huskily.

"Good Morning. My name is Officer..." Forth listens carefully and answers when necessary. Beam cuddles into his chest and waits. 

"So what happens if I decide to press charges?"

"Most likely outcome is expulsion. She broke into you apartment and she intended to have sexual intercourse with you despite your refusal to be with her. This is an issue that falls under the Safe Campus Initiative."

"And if I decide to not press charges?"

"Then the matter of her unlawful entry is dropped by us and she is turned over to her department. It is then up to them to decide. "

Forth looked down at Beam who shrugged. So it was up to him then.

"I feel that Nix is a bit misguided but not dangerous. I think she has learned her lesson and so I will not press charges. I also hope that the school will be lenient but I feel that she is sufficiently punished."

"That is your decision. Ming told me you would say something like that. I must say this has been an interesting week. You have a good time with your family now."

Forth looked at Beam's beautiful face and smiled.

"Thank you. I will." He put down and glanced at the time. It was 8:20. They still had a little time.

"Was that campus police?"

"Yes Baby. I have all our appointments scheduled to start at 10. We need to get up and get ready. Breakfast is open right now."

"Mmmmm." Beam stretched and winced a bit before he rolled out of bed. Forth watched him walk and sighed. He was moving fine.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm ok. I can walk. We only did two rounds. I'll need a warm shower though. Come scrub my back. I want to lean on you in the shower." Forth chucked and walked after Beam. They had a good long shower and Forth pointed out the special underwear they had to put on. It was padded cotton and they would get several changes throughout the day. Then they put on one Kimono each and tied each other's obi before heading down to breakfast. 

There were many others dressed just like them and they all greeted each other with friendly smiles. This was a place to relax after all. Beam was suddenly ravenous and scrolled through the menu. He ordered joke, grilled pork screwers, two types of dim sum, patongo, and sticky rice with custard. He decided against milk tea and went for fruit juices instead. Forth ordered much the same except he also included spicy fish balls, a small plate of fried chicken and sliced fruit and decided against the sticky rice.

They ate with great focus and Beam even had a bit of Forth's fried chicken and sliced fruit. As they were digesting and chatting with a couple sitting next to them, one of the hosts came and got their attention. 

"Mr Jamornkun and companion?"


"Do come this way please. We are ready with your first appointment." Beam followed Forth and saw that many others were being led out by these hosts.

"We will begin with a special soak then a full body exfoliation treatment. You also have a manny/peddy scheduled as well as the special full body massage."

"Manny/peddy?" Forth asked quietly. What?

"Ah, manicure, pedicure. We will take care of your cuticles and calluses." She tried to explain with a friendly smile.

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