Chapter 7 - Put your scent all over me

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"P', lets make out. Can we do that?"

"I would never refuse you Yo. Besides, I want to make out with you. I love doing it and you know that." Phana sucked in a breath and hoped Yo didn't see how needy he was. 

Yo led Pha to the bed and lay down. he pulled Pha on top of him. He worried that he might panic but the feel of Pha's body was much too familiar and only made him want to feel more. He reached up and hauled Pha's head down. Yo kissed Pha and when Pha opened for him, he went for it. Yo explored the cavern of Pha's mouth and sucked on his tongue and bottom lip. They kissed languidly until Yo couldn't take it anymore.

"I want to see your body P'Pha. I want to feel it." Pha rolled off Yo and sat up. He pulled off his shirt and watched Yo do the same. Then Yo moved onto his lap and started trailing kisses down Pha's neck.  There was a spot that made Pha moan and Yo latched on and sucked strongly. When he was satisfied, he want back to kissing Pha. The only problem was Pha wasn't doing much. I need to give him direction.

"Touch me please P'. Kiss my body. Put your scent all over me."

Pha kissed Yo back like he never had before. Yo felt Pha placing his stamp on him with that kiss and moaned in pleasure. Pha trailed kisses along Yo's jaw and over his neck to behind his ear. Yo angled his head and Pha latched onto the sweet spot, marking it and staking his claim. 

Yo hissed. "Yes P'. So good right there. "

Pha trailed kisses down his neck until he reached Yo's nipples. "Can I?" He breathed. Yo answered by placing his hands on Phana's head and pulling him closer. Phana latched on and suckled. Yo moaned and writhed in his lap. He paid attention to one then the other. When he wasn't sucking on one, he was pinching the other.

"Pha!" Yo's cry of excitement forced him to look up. Yo kissed him and started rubbing against his thigh.

"Help me. I need to come. Pha."

Yo's shaky voice spurred Pha on. He undid both their jeans and lined Yo up with him and Yo leaned forward and latched onto another spot. He sucked here and there as he moved his hips, helping Pha get them to their peak. The leaking pre-come made it all so much easier. 

"Pha! So close!" Yo leaned back and brought Pha's face to that spot as his hands worked them to completion. Pha felt himself peak with the scent of Yo in his nostrils and bit down on that spot before sucking hard. Yo screamed and crested again, his whole body shuddering.

"Pha..." He whispered, trying to catch his breath. "I missed you so much. I realize that now. You were right there yet I didn't accept you."

Pha wiped them with the tissues he kept near the bed. "You needed the time. Maybe to settle back in your skin. Maybe to hibernate until you felt safe. I just couldn't make you stay there too long or you might get too comfortable and slip away from me. I missed you too Yo. So much."

"I love you P'Pha. I know we never broke up but will you be my boyfriend again?"

"Oh Yo. I love you too and yes, I will be your boyfriend. "

They kissed softly.


Beam braked in the middle of the street and stared at the bike sitting pretty as you please in the parking lot of that building. A sudden honk startled him and without thinking he pulled up next to the bike and put his car in park.

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