Chapter 15 - Safe Campus Initiative takes effect...

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 The meeting at 10 started off well enough. Both students and their respective parents were present as well as the head of both faculties and the Dean of the School. The Dean controlled the meeting and plainly stated the evidence that was gathered.

"Pring would never do that to someone! Putting someone's personal information on an escort site and planning a room invasion! That's preposterous!"

"Miss Pring has already admitted to the escort site incident. Video of the confrontation clearly reveals her admitting such."

Both parents stared at their red faced daughter. She bowed her head.

"I want to see it," Her father demanded.

The Dean sighed and ordered the secretary to play the clip on the smart screen. The clip began from the moment Yo stood all the way to when the Professor showed up. Yo cringed at the sound of the slap. Pring's mother glanced at him hatefully.

"I see now. So this is about Pha." Mr. Supatvegitan said with a sour face.

"No. This is about my son's sexual assault case. Pha may be the reason why she did it but the fact is she did it."

"I am not following." The Dean admitted.

"My son and Phana Kongthanin attended the same high school. Yo has always like Pha and it have come to my attention that Pha had the same feelings but he never acted on them as he was unaware Yo felt the same. Yo worked hard to come here just to see Pha again and their feelings appeared to reach each other. Pring also seems to have feelings for Pha and opposed their relationship. She took matters into her own hands. These are the matters I want resolved. My son has suffered for her jealousies." Mr. Panitchayasawad slammed his palm down on the table. Everyone started. Yo grabbed his father's hand and held on.

Miss Pring, did you arrange with Park to attack Mr Wayo?" The Dean asked seriously.

"N-no. I- I had nothing to do with that." Pring stuttered and tried to hide her face in her mom's shoulder.

"Speak the truth. That as all I want from this." Mr. Panitchayasawad said firmly. She looked at him and broke into sobs. She slowly nodded her head and they all looked at her expectantly.

"Yesssss. I- I was the one. I was behind it all. I'm sorry Ma! I'm really sorry Da!"

"Oh God Pring! What did you do?" Mrs. Supatvegitan shook her daughter as she cried. She covered her mouth to hold back her own horrified sobs and clutched her chest. A whole year of University wasted and Pring's future destroyed over some boy? She wanted to slap her own daughter just as the boy had.

Mr. Supatvegitan looked at the Dean grimly. "So what happens now?" 

"I'm sorry. The rules of the school and the new Safe Campus Initiative are clear. I am sorry, but despite her academic successes, Miss Pring has proven to be a threat to the well being of our students. She cannot remain here. You will be required to clear your things and leave us by Monday. Mr. Wayo, you have willingly admitted to hitting Miss Pring. Despite the circumstances under which you lashed out, we will have to suspend you for a day and place you on academic probation for the rest of the year. Should your grades fall, we will expel you. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Yo, I expect you to maintain your grades. I will also come down harshly on you."

"Yes Daddy." Yo squeezed the hand he was holding.

"In the matter of which you have accused Mr. Wayo, we have found the accusation false. A young lady was caught making several of these sites and posting them using real information she gathered from her ex-boyfriend's phone. He is currently a student enrolled here. Apparently you were one of several persons he would have preferred to be with over her. The matter has been dealt with. You should have come to us Miss Pring but the path you chose has lead to your ruin instead. Have a pleasant day everyone."

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