Strong? Weak? What does it all mean?

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Movie night was a riot.

They went back to the voting system they had used the other night. Only problem was the cabin's cinema was fully loaded with movies they all wanted to see and it was hard to narrow things down. The the end, the wives put their feet down and picked the top three movies they all wanted to see. 

There was action, romance and the requisite ghost movie just for the sake of tradition. They shouted and hollered their way through the action, Mon cried through the romance, and everyone made out during the ghost movie. It was the fixings of a perfect night especially when they all slept in a nest of blankets and sleeping bags right there next to the fire place. 

Mon found himself waking up in the middle of the night and heard talking.

"Moving in huh. That's a big deal." Rend said next to him.

"Yeah but when you look at it, if I'm not with Yo then he is with me so instead of paying for two rooms, we go for the dual unit thing they're offering to couples who want to live near campus and go from there." Pha explained. 

"Beam's already excited. I told him today." Forth revealed.

"I'm not sure if I should go with the surprise angle or tell Kit before we go back."

"Better tell him. He's not that great with surprises." Pha sounded muffled.

"Tell me about it. What are you doing?" Ming could see pha fiddling around and windered what he was doing.

"Sorry, fixing Yo. He's all tangled up. Yea, what were we saying? Oh, tell Kit before you move or he might kill you. Well actually he might take it well too. He's really in love with you Ming so don't fuck it up."

"Really P'? Kit alone will kill me much less what you and P'Forth would do to me. I'm not about to die. Besides I love P'Kit. Like death will not part us love, will take him as he is love, willing to hug a honey badger love... You see where I'm going with this right?"

"I see a trend, yes." Forth said dryly.

Mon heard Rend laugh and smiled secretly. He wondered if they would get that far then decided to stop wondering. Rend wanted to be with him. It was time to stop wondering and start declaring. He wasn't going to worry about anything, not even Rend's parents who, it seemed, were hella intense. Mon had already noticed the missed calls from someone named Hard Ass who he was sure was Rend's dad.

"So what are your plans Rend? I mean, you and Sing are now Wild Doctors so_"

"Wait, Sing too?" Rend interrupted Pha.

"Yep. Can't have one without the other. He's your best friend just like Beam and Kit are mine."

"Wow. Hell. He would be totally chill with that. He's always saying we need a crew. Shit head. To be honest, I'm kind scared to go home because Dad has been calling like crazy but at the same time, I'm not backing down so if I disappear for a while you might have to stage an intervention."

"Don't worry. We're getting really good at that shit."

"I can see that. Actually, Dad can't really take me out of school cause I pay for everything on my own but he can kick me out of the house so I may have to ask for a place to hold up at until the term starts. I would stay with Mon but his mom is a special kind of woman. I don't want to mess with that ecosystem."

"Yep. Yo mentioned a thing or two though I don't know the whole story. That was a great photo by the way. I saw it."

"I didn't. What are we talking about?" Ming asked sleepily.

"Rend's modeling gig. He uses it to pay tuition since his dad didn't want him to come medical school." Forth explained and yawned.

"Oh, that explains some of the things I heard. Some of the engineering girls were freaking out when you and Sing came by one time. Sing's part Korean right? They say he looks like Lee Min Ho but everyone looks like Lee Min Ho to them. He looks more like Jang Geun Suk to me. What? Prim likes Korean dramas and she had a crush on him since Your Beautiful."

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now