A New Year

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Mon walked thought the door about ten that morning. The first person waiting was Kit. They stared at each other for about two seconds before Mon burst into tears and rushed forward. He made sure to protect the hand as he hugged Kit tightly.

"I'm so glad to see you! Thank you so much P'! I was so scared and you were really there for me."

"So your not upset?"

"What? No! I'm really glad to see you." Kit sighed with relief and pleasure before he switched to doctor mode on poor Mon as he and Rend discussed the wound. The didn't keep Mon standing for long and Kit led them to their new room. They had just about another week before classes started. This semester, the doctors started with everyone else unlike in the fall when they had a jump start. Kit always figured they got the same amount of time for winter break as an apology for forcing them to start school early just after they finished suffering through summer school.

everyone else was waiting in the room. They had set it up to be as comfortable as possible for both Mon and Rend. It was touching and even Sing was there as well.

"This guy showed up at 8 claiming he was a lost puppy and could we take him in." Pha said.

"So we decided to make him the Wild Doctor's mascot. What do you think?" Beam joined the tease.

"Great idea. Just stop him from sniffing skirts and he will do a perfect job."

"Hey! I don't sniff skirts. I sniff the bums in the skirts. Lets be clear on that now. How are you Mon? You spent so much time sleeping that I got worried."

"Me too but the body needs to heal and it does that best when you sleep. That's what Dr. Rend over here told me." Mon leaned into Rend and smiled at him. "I was really proud of him. He had good talks with the doctors and got to go around and see what they do. They were worried he would be bored they gave him a chance."

"In different circumstances I would be jealous but I'm impressed instead. We waited to eat so lets go have brunch ok." Pha said and led the team out to the regular eating room. 

They dodged lots of workers and avoided certain areas all day. They actually wanted to help but the workers were so co-ordinated, they could easily become a hindrance and break up their dynamic. In the end, the spent most of their time by the pool. It was indoor and heated but it would be closed off for the night in case some drunk fool wondered in like they did a couple of years back and nearly died.

Mon stared at Rend's sleak muscles cutting though the water and went into a serious case of lust. It was almost like his brain knew he couldn't have Rend right then because he needed to hold of on strenuous activities, so it pushed images of Rend in sexy moments into his brain and drove him nuts.

"What's with that face?" Yo asked. He thought he had a good idea of what Mon was going through but he wanted to be sure.

"Oh God Yo! I think I'm losing my mind. Why does he look so good? Son of ah bitch!"

"Bitch Mon in heat?" Revenge was sweet.

"You know it slutty Yo. I know you did it with Pha last night. I saw the way you walked." (I find it weird that the Angels Gang talk like this to Yo in the book normally. They are very liberal with bitch, slut and ho. I think I don't want to include it in my story...)

"Only once. We made out a lot. Pha and I have been taking it easy. Rend not helping you?"

"Yes. Oh god we almost got caught in the hospital rest room. Like I swear to you the moment the doctor said take it easy and rest I got horny. It's like my body got scared and I had to prove something. So that night I couldn't sleep and Rend's not going to rest until I do so I went to the bathroom only it wasn't working with just me. I had to call him. So embarrassing."

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