Chapter 17 - Give thanks for life and love

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"Yo where are you?" Ming's voice came through bright and cherry.

"I'm coming down to Pha now." Yo mumbled and he knuckled his eyes.

"Ha. You sound like you just woke up." 

Yo scrubbed his face and sighed. "Give me 15 minutes. I'll be right there."

Whatever had been going on with Ming now seemed to be resolved. They had promised to have breakfast together and Yo was late. As he gathered his things for the bathroom, his door unlocked. Pha walked in, looked at him and laughed. 

"Hurry. I'm starved." But he was eyeing Yo with hunger instead. Yo smiled and nodded. Don't worry Pha. When my surprise gets here. You can eat me as much as you like. 

Yo came out of the shower with his underwear on and grabbed his pants. Pha eyed him critically. "Did you lose more weight?"

"Really? I've sort of been going to the gym when you were studying. I go with Ming. Just want to be fit." Yo blushed a bit.

"You always look good to me."

"But I want to live a long life with you too." Pha smiled and nodded. Yo was too cute!

Before they left, Yo grabbed a post it and stuck it on his door with a note. He text Ai'Bee and reminded her to listen for his packages in case they came when he was gone. 

"What's that for?"

"Oh, just waiting for a delivery. Bee will get it if it comes while we're gone."

They met Ming and Kit at a restaurant outside of Campus. Kit was leaning on Ming and looking exhausted. Yo shook his head and smacked Ming.

"Look at P' all exhausted. What did you do?"

"Treat him well. We're working on babies right now. It takes a lot of effort." Kit sat up abruptly and winced. Pha sniggered and shook his head.

"So what happened last night that made you this way now?" Pha asked as he buttered the complimentary bread.

"Ming got worried because naked Nix reminded him that I might want children and he can't give me that." Kit rolled his eyes and smacked Ming just because. Ming grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"Ah. Finally told him about your plans to adopt?" Pha said casually. Ming blinked at him in surprise.

"Yeah. I've always had that plan, and I always intended to be with someone who respected that decision. I mean, Ming and I don't have much options if we want kids but I don't want a surrogate messing with us."

"Possessive much? But yes. I get what you mean. I don't know what Yo would want." Pha side eyed his lover.

"Hah. Don't just count me. Think of Daddy too. He only has one son and that son picked you. Don't have a womb." 

Pha looked at Yo thoughtfully now. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. How about that?"

"Ok. Now what do you want to eat? I'll get it cause they only stare at you when you speak. Then I have to get annoyed at them cause your mine." Pha smirked and pointed out his choices as Ming spoke.

"Ho, look at this asshole. And he talks about me being all possessive with Kit. Anyway. Did I tell you Kit is coming for dinner tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Yo said as Kit smacked Ming and pointed a finger at him to shut it.

"You mean at your house? Just your mom and dad or your sisters too?" Yo inquired and waved at the passing waiter to get his attention

"The full family dinner with the rugrats and everything." 

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora