Chapter 4 - Are you afraid of me?

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Phana's pleased face could be seen from far away. So could Yo's blushing cheeks. Beam smacked Kit's arm, he was so please to see them while Kit looked back at his friend like he wanted to throttle him.

"Why the fuck are you hitting me? Shia! Forth talk to your wife."

"Shut up. Can't you see them smiling. Pha hasn't smiled all week Kit. Now he's walking with Yo and they are smiling!" Beam nudged Kit on the shoulder a few times, rocking his best friend off his feet.

"OK Beam. Ok. I get it. You are happy for them. But I never had any doubt that things would be ok." Ming did a double take at Kit's words. All week he had listened to Kit complain about Pha and how unhappy he was and when he would go talk to Yo because Kit was so worried.

Kit turned and saw Ming gaping at him. He wagged a finger at his boyfriend and waved him away. Ming grinned but he went.

 They waited for the couple to approach before they all headed to the dinner room. Mon was already there chatting cordially with Yo's dad. Yo blinked in shock. This was the most manly he had seen Mon. Dad stood when they walked in and greeted everyone by name. He even hugged Ming who he had not seen in a while. 

"It greatly pleasures me to see all of you here for Yo. He has been in quite a state. Pha has been working hard but my son can be stubborn. It is good to see the reinforcements have arrived. I hope you didn't have to be too hard on him?"

"Not terribly hard. Yo is smart. He has worked most of it out on his own already," Forth said as he placed some meat of Beam's plate. Beam blushed but he ate it and gave Forth the spicy fish balls he liked. 

"I see. Tell me what is the school atmosphere like right now? Do I need to worry about Yo going back?"

They all looked at Montree who put down his utensils.

"Honestly. A lot of people were shocked because they thought Yo either dating Pha or Ming. There were even ships for them. A small fraction was pro Park but they broke down after what he did. Once Pha made sure it was known that Yo was his fann and Ming supported him by launching his Safe Campus campaign, a lot of people began to understand the issue. Ming has done a great job of using his position and accomplished a lot in this past week. While people are aware of what happened to Yo, it has helped to establish a positive movement."

"Oh Ming! I really don't know what to say. Thank you some much!" Yo looked down the table at Ming who was beaming.

"No big deal. You are my best friend. Besides it is only me. Gu is still jealous of you but she already took on another campaign and decided not to back out. She did appear in my PSA thought so I am happy about that."

"Kit can you do me a favour and kiss Ming for me? He is my best friend and I love him but kissing him is just weird." Yo made a face and everyone laughed. Kit blushed but he nodded. He looked at Ming with a frown.

"No funny stuff you. Just hold still ok? Promise?"

Ming grinned and nodded. Kit leaned forward and kissed Ming softly on the lips before pulling back. He was fire engine red but he was also smiling sweetly. Ming's face went from smiling to hooded. He winked at Kit who growled and turned away from him. Now everyone was laughing. 

Reassured, Yo's dad left quickly for his home office and everyone relaxed and enjoyed dinner. Pha immediately noticed something. Yo was relaxed and smiling but he had developed this new reflex. when you moved to quickly next to him, he would flinch slightly and dodge. He also watched it happen to Mon who sat on the other side of Yo. Mon must have caught it too because he cast Phana a worried look. Phana winked, letting Mon know he would deal with it.

After dinner they all went to their rooms. Pha quietly shut the door behind Yo.

"Yo..." He let the other man turn and moved quickly too him. Yo flinched hard and stepped back quickly. He froze. His face all horrified.

"As I thought. Yo, are you afraid of me?"

"No, oh God. I... P'Pha!" Yo sobbed and launched himself into Pha's arms. He hadn't even realized he was being defensive. 

"I hate that I did that to you. I hate it. Pha I love you so much. Why would I move away from you like that?" Yo gripped Pha's shirt and held on. Phana rubbed his back and rested his chin on the top of Yo's head.

"Then from now on you make the moves Yo. I will not approach you until you feel you are ready. That means whatever you want from me, you will have to ask for it. Is that ok with you? Do you think you can do it?"

"What does that mean?" Yo looked up into Pha's eyes and he winked.

"If you want to hold my hand then you have to reach for me and if you want to kiss me then you have to initiate it. Do you think you can do that?"

Yo swallowed. He knew his face was red but he had to ask.

"And when we... when I need you? I will have to come to you too?"

"Not only that but it's your show. Whatever you want and however you want it."

Yo swallowed and blushed even harder. He unconsciously played with Pha's buttons as he thought about what that would mean. Pha had always run the show and all You had to do was indicate that he needed Pha with a look or a word. Sometimes he didn't have to even go that far. he just had to breath and Pha wanted him. The man had said so more than once.  Having to lead was going to be so hard.

"Does this mean i have to claim you?"

"If that's what you want. Just tell me and I'll prepare myself."

"But I love the way we do things. I don't think I want to do that."

"There are other ways to claim me without that. There are some who claim from the bottom."

Yo sucked in a breath. He needed time to think and plan. "Pha, I need time to think abut this."

"Then take that time. I love you and I want what's best for you. Just remember that this is your show now."

"I may disappoint you Pha. Please don't give up on me." Pha smiled. He wanted to kiss Yo so bad right then but his held still instead. Yo would have to figure out how to read him. This might even help them get closer and understand each other better. 

Yo felt Pha's stillness and wondered what he was feeling. Right now he wanted to kiss Pha. Could the other man...? Shia! Pha always wanted him. He pulled Pha closer and kissed him. He even rubbed his tongue against Pha's lips so the other man would open up. He let their tongues duel before he sucked on Pha's then he pulled away.

"Let's sleep Pha. I'll make plans and then I'll be ready. Just wait for me ok?"

"I've been waiting for years Nong Yo. I can wait a little more."  

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora