Another Woman Comes into the Light

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Midterms stole up on the unprepared and decimated many a grade. That wasn't the case for our boys, thought they did need some help to save the day. They were exhausted after exams and just wanted to eat and sleep so, between Kit's family catering, Ming's mom and Yo's dad, they managed to keep the boys fed so they could make it to their next exam without worry. 

Once the exams were over, everyone retired to Yo's family cabin for a long weekend. The exams ended on Tuesday, they were given Wednesday and Thursday for midterm break and there was a public holiday that Friday. By Tuesday night, the cabin was filled and everyone was fast asleep.

Yo woke up the next morning in a state of arousal. He looked down and found that Pha was helping himself to his body. All he could do was moan and come because he was that close already. Pha laughed after and his face was so clear and carefree, Yo was surprised. It seemed they really did need this break. 

"Did you even brush?"

"Yep. Your the last one up baby. It's like 11 in the morning."

"What!?" Yo sat up and looked around. "I'm the last one? Really? Jeez!" He rolled out of bed and rushed to the bathroom.

"No hurry babe. We have all day to relax."

"Yeh but we had plans."

"We did?"

"Not we as in me and you but we as in Kit and Beam and Mon."

"Oh? Are you wives up to some trick?"

"Not telling. Out. I have things to do."

"Really. After all my hard work?"

"Out. You'll get your reward later. Can you call the others for me?"

"But you haven't had breakfast. Listen baby. Lets just go eat and then you can plan your stuff and we'll give you space. Seriously."

"Ok, ok. At least tell them I'm coming."

Pha strolled out to see Beam coming his way. "Yo's on his way out."

"Oh perfect. I'll go get what we need."

"What do you need?"

"Disappear Pha. Just feed your wife then relax and enjoy the moment."

Pha made a face but did as he was told. Yo ate quickly then raced off to meet Kit, Beam and Mon. Kit was blushing already and they hadn't even started yet.

"Are we sure about this?" Kit whispered nervously as thought Ming was looking over his shoulder.

"We dropped a bunch of shit in a hat and you picked this one. We have to do it."

The whole thing had started with Beam. The idea was to pick a bunch of random things from a hat and then pick the day they would do them. Kit had picked lap dance on Wednesday, Yo had picked movie day on Thursday, Mon had picked in house dinner date on Friday and Beam had picked master and servant for Saturday. There had been other options like hiking, picnics, swimming in the lake and fishing but for some reason no one had picked those.

Kit sighed and looked at the tiny leather outfit they had rush ordered just for this day. They had planned everything before midterms so it would all be ready. Now that the exams were over, Kit remembered his pick and he just wanted to dig a hole and die. 

"Why are we doing this now anyway?" Mon asked. It was two in the afternoon.

"As if Rend would keep his hands off you. I want enough time to rest tonight after Forth eats me alive so I can enjoy movie day tomorrow."

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