Husbands at work...

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Rend rolled out of bed and freshened up, pulled on some PJ pants, and strolled out. He walked in and heard Forth talking so he followed his voice into the Kitchen.

"Ah, the final husband joins us. It's been declared husband's day since our wives are too tired to get up. Beam's idea." Forth said.

"What are you trying to do here?"

"Make porridge but Pha wants livers in his."  Ming made a face.

"Yo likes them."

"Kit doesn't. Neither do I anyway. I still say we should just cook as many pots as we can. I mean Beam and Kit like the chicken and Forth's fine with any.

"Mon likes ground pork." Rend said and looked at the ingredients. "How about me and Pha work on our stuff and then you two can collaborate? My ground pork has to thaw anyway." He went and pulled some out of the freezer then ran water over it joined them. Two pots were simmering on the stove and everyone had something to say about them. When Pha's pot was done, Rend washed it out and started his pork. If he thought they were going to leave, he was wrong. They were all over his dish too and he had to admit, it was fun.

"So I assume we're making lunch too? What's the plan?"

"Pork screwers." Ming said immediately.

"Vegetables because otherwise Kit and Beam wouldn't eat." Forth said.

"And noodles. Pad Thai? Or maybe rice?" Pha said and looked in the pantry. Rend opened the freezer and pulled out the pork but also chicken breast.

"The chicken in the Pad Thai," He got pineapples and bell peppers for the screwers. "I'm not into veges but I'll eat them. Just don't expect me to cook them."

"I know jack shit about cooking veges." Pha said and looked at Forth. He was the one who brought the damn things up yet all he could do was shrug? Ming sighed and they all looked at him. 

"I'll have to ask Kit. We mostly do salad but when he cooks veges I never pay attention. He's going to bite my head off for waking him."

"It's Kit. What do you expect? I hope you weren't too hard with him or he might do more than bite your head off." Pha smirked. Ming smirked right back then bravely headed off. He softly entered the room and lay next to Kit.

"What do you want?" A voice grumbled from under the covers. Kit's head peeked out and Ming kissed his cheek. "Your porridge is cooling. The thing is I can't remember how you do our veges. How you cook them."

"If it's beans or snowpeas then I give them about a minute in boiling water then I run them under cold water. With carrots and broccoli and so on, I use the double broiler. The one with the boiling water under and the veges by themselves in a strainer type thing."

"Oh! Got it. How are you feeling?"

Kit covered back his head and turned over. Ming sighed. He had been hard on Kit last night but then, he had also been starving for Kit... What a mess.

"I'll bring your porridge for you in a bit ok?" When he was gone, Kit peeled back the quilt and smiled a bit. Ming hardly ever cooked and it was always porridge but it tasted good. He winced as he turned and sighed. He still got embarrassed when Ming asked him questions like that. 

He sat up to go refresh and spotted the boy shorts that had gotten him in this trouble in the first place. The blush made him feel light headed. Shit. He had pretty much been devoured.

Kit had rushed into the bathroom as soon as they went back to their room.

"Kit? Are you ok?" Ming was concerned. What was that all about?

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