A Return to Normal Life

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Mr. P. Sent his car to collect everyone and even had his people get their cars and Forth's bike from the hospital lot. After everything, they were all just too exhausted. He also made sure to extend an invitation to Rend and Mon. The young man would need to rest and recuperate. There was no better place than his house for the time being.

Rend didn't hesitate. He accepted the invitation and contacted Sing. He planned to stay at the hospital with Mon anyway so Sing would need to bring his things. One of the men immediately stepped back and informed Rend that he would stay to collect his things once they got there and bring it all to the mansion. He would also get and secure his car and collect both him and Mon when they were preparing to be discharged.

Rend immediately found this overwhelming but then he thought of something and put it all together. They weren't just drivers, they were bodyguards. Mr. P was already aware of the situation, thought Rend wasn't sure how, and was already putting measures in place to protect all his children. Since Rend was included, he realized he was now considered one of them.

Pain lanced his chest even as something inside him settled. He felt like he belonged again even as he suffered from the people who were supposed to love and support him no matter what. His father didn't even care that he was gay. What mattered to him was who he liked and how that reflected on the family. Rend was sure if Yo had brought home a poor Phana, Mr. P. would not have cared as long as Phana treated Yo like he was a precious gem.

Well, he might put something in his will to ensure Pha didn't take advantage of Yo in the future. The man was a shark after all.

Everyone literally dragged themselves into the house and went directly to the shower. Kit still had blood on him and so did the others. Beam had the least amount but he was still smeared with it. Pha even had on the knees of his jeans where he had knelt next to the officer.

Ming took his shower extra hot after Kit came out. He wanted to wash the slime of Tiff off and clear his mind. She was right in a way. He was capable of terrible violence but he had never willfully hurt anyone and that was the difference between the both of them.

He got out of the bath and paused. Kit was on the phone and he heard his name.

"He was awesome Mom D. He stood up to her and he pulled so much information from her. Yes. No, no Mom. He's in the shower but I want to talk to him because no matter what she says, she is wrong about him. Ming is capable of violence, sure, but so am I and I would willing attack anyone for my friends. I don't want him to think that she might be on to something. We all have dark places inside we don't like about ourselves. She might connect to the violence but it still doesn't make him just like her..."

Ming stepped back. He felt tears flow in that moment when his defenses were low and knew that he had never loved Kit more than he did at that moment. Kit believed in him and that was more powerful than anything to him.

He cleared his throat and washed his face before walking outside again and Kit turned to face him. He broke into a tired but huge smile as he closed off the call.

"I was speaking to our moms. They are both at my house. I'll call them back in a..uhmp! Ming!"

Ming lifted Kit onto his arms and hugged him close. He just hugged him and held on.

"Heard me did you?" Kit asked as he wiped a few stray tears from Ming's cheeks

"Um hum," And he held on just a little tighter.

Kit snuggled into Ming. "I'm right though."

"Yes you are and I love you for it. Thank you P'."

"Your welcome babe. Now go get dressed before you get a chill." But Kit was smiling softly at him the whole time.

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora