Dinner at the Daichapanya House pt 2

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Ming's mom was an excellent cook and everyone appreciated Kit's dessert. Kit even got to play with the baby when he woke up half way through dinner. He stared at Kit with complete adoration and Kit got to feed him and play with him for a bit until it was time for his private feeding with Mom.

"You have a good hand there. Want to be my sitter?" Violet asked casually. She had the most to say and not all of it was kind but Kit saw that she was trying for her hulk of a husband's sake.

"I would love to if my schedule allowed it. I only get to see Ming on weekends mostly because my break is only half an hour and after classes we need to do study groups. The Nongs relay on us as well as our classmates.

"What do you study again?" Violet paused and stared at Kit.

"Medicine. I go to the Med School. I want to deliver babies and work with problematic newborns like my nephew. He was born early with his... Well never mind but you get the point." That was a delicate topic to discuss with a pregnant woman.

"That's admirable. Ming here just wants to fix cars."

"And there's nothing wrong with that. He has good insight for fixing people too." Kt defended easily.

"That's absolutely right. I loved your cheesecake Kit I managed to get a bit of all three. Please help me clean up since you are done. You too Prim. Settle down Vi. We'll take care of that."

"But Mom," She started to protest but her mom eyed her stomach like it was a deadly weapon.

"I said settle down now. We can handle it."That bump was always in the way and had knocked over two heirloom dishes just last month. That was two too many!

They gathered everything and brought it to the kitchen. Ming watched them but there was nothing he could do. Kit was on his own now. His dad patted him on the back and he followed the men outside on the verandah. Vi followed too because she didn't have anywhere else to go.

"I like your Kit Ming, but I have to ask you. What the hell were you thinking when you went and fell in love with your Mother in male form?"

Ming snorted and shook his head. "Don't ask me Dad. I don't get it either. I just know that he was irritating and grumpy and there was nothing special about him until you chisel away all the emotional nonsense and what was left was this really shy and smart guy who guarded his heart because he only has one to give and he wants to make sure he gives it to the right person."

"And you want to be that person."

"Of course because he is totally worth it." Ming said with absolute surety and sincerity.

Kit only glanced back once and saw that Ming was walking out with his dad. 

"Where we are. You wash, I'll dry and Prim will put away."

"Because I'm tall enough to reach the top shelves. Yes I know my role well. So you cook a lot?"

"Um, it's a secret skill. Auntie had that place made in Ming's room so we would go shopping and I would make casseroles that can freeze. That way he can pop one out and heat it up. He brings food for me too at the sessions so I don't have to worry about eating right. He takes good care of me. Yo reminds him too so that's a help."

"Yo is such a sweetheart. It really hurt to hear what happened to him."

"Yeah but Pha is so good for him. Yo's gotten really confident and strong. He would surprise you now. He has big plans for their future and he's moving steadily forward at his own pace."

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora