Nate, Your Turn Has Come...

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Finals came with a roar and everyone whimpered. 

Beam roared right back with a raunchy night with Forth and went into his first exam feeling all languid and relaxed. He took one look at Kit and knew the guy needed a dose of sex medicine. He eyed Pha when he strolled up but that guy was a hard nut to crack and he rarely showed his hand. Beam didn't even bother asking. He would find out what he wanted to know soon enough.

"Kit, I'm telling you. Just let Ming do his job."

"I don't have time to play." Kit huffed.

"Trust me. This is not play. this is relaxation. Like that full body massage you love so much only there's a bigger reward. You both get off." Pha's smirk said it all. He was getting some too.

"I don't get it." Kit muttered as he chewed on a nail, a sure sign he was nervous. 

"You are wound tighter than a rope. Listen. Didn't Ming approach you last night. He probably needed to de-stress too."

"Yeah but I shot him down hard." Beam sighed and Pha shook his head.

"Better make up before it affects his performance." Pha warned. Kit immediately whipped out his phone and started sending messages to Ming. The ping of replies came quickly and Kit bit his lip then sent off another set of messages. He got immediate replies and sent of a sticker. A huge smile bloomed on his face and his shoulders relaxed.

"Now don't you feel better just by talking to him? Now imagine how relaxed you usually feel after great sex with Ming and take that feeling into exams. That's all I'm saying. Right Pha?"

"Yep." Beam smirked internally. Yo's cute little rump was most likely trying to find a soft spot on the seat as he spoke.

Beam was far from the mark this time thought. Pha would never make Yo uncomfortable at a time like this so they touched and played and worked in some oral but that was about it. Still it was enough and Yo faced his exams with calm confidence.  He had been sure to meet all his friends that morning and had especially checked on Nate.

During that week after returning from the dinner, Nate had found herself at a crossroads. She was in love with Sing. There she said it. It wasn't a sudden thing either. It had slowly crept up on her as life often did. She had simply looked at him walking towards her with a smile on his face and she had had an epiphany. This man was worth it and she needed him in her life.

She thought back on the beginnings of what would be the best relationship she was sure she would ever have. 

Sing had run into Nate, literally, that first week on campus. They lived in neighbouring buildings so after that first meeting, they saw each other constantly. She had gotten an instant crush on him too but he was that guy. An it guy, and those guys didn't go for shy book worms. Those guys did notches. She had dated an it guy before.

It still didn't stop her from admiring his good looks and they chatted often too. Sometimes they would run into each other at the coffee place and he would always buy her a coffee until she argued him down and he proposed she buy the next one. She had even run into him and Rend and their friends a time or two and he always went out of his way to say hi.

He was always sweet, caring, patient, kind and funny as hell whenever they ran into each other yet she never felt like he was pushing his interests in her or anything like that. He just gave off a friendly vibe and she thought her crush would fade with time. Then one day she got a secret call from Yo. Sing had just confessed he thought she was hot and intended to ask her out. 

She wasn't that girl. You know, the it girl. Like Gugai or Pring before her or any of the other stars that had been her year mates. She spent her time reading and observing others. She had even picked up on Yo's obsession with Pha right away. Sure she had had a two second crush on Yo but that was literally the length of it. The guy gave off friend vibes better than a puppy. But when he looked at Pha, it was so obvious. So Nate did what friends do and supported him from the sidelines. She didn't regret it and that support had led her to finding her special someone.

Sexual Healing - A 2 Moons Short Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now