Phana Comes to Dinner

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Yo gave Pha directions to Ming's house. 

He knew that the rest of the gang would be at dinner but he wasn't sure when they would arrive. He had seen Kit baking and Beam throwing together one of his awesome salads. He asked about what to bring but he could only cook porridge and Ming's mom had kindly told him it wouldn't do for dinner.

It was the day before New Years and this dinner was the last meal Mrs. D planned to cook for the year. They would all be at Yo's house from 10 pm the next evening and everything would be catered. She wouldn't have to lift a finger unless she was putting food in her mouth. Wasn't that the best? All the families had been invited too and had graciously accepted. They had all become great friends now and had created a large support system for their boys. Rend's parents had also been invited simply because Mon would be discharged that morning but they had graciously declined and Mon's mom was unavailable...

Mr. P. mentally wished that couple good luck.

Mr. D was under his car when Kit pulled up with Ming, Forth and Beam. Kit knocked on the car and he popped out from under it to find Forth running his hands along her side with awe on his face. 

"This beaut is an antique. My God. How old is she? No wonder you wanted to loan her to Ming that time. She really is a battering ram."

"Come see inside P'. The seating has changed but she still has her original radio and everything." The three hunkered over the Wagon while Kit and Beam strolled inside. Mrs. D. immediately knew what Kit meant when he said Beam was charming. She bet he had charmed the panties off may young ladies before the hunky young man she assumed was Forth had locked him down. 

She graciously accepted the large salad with home made vinaigrette and the five cheesecakes Kit handed over. He even said the one on the very bottom had a little rum in it. Her face lit up like... well... Christmas.

"I tried this new rum and raisin recipe so there are rum soaked raisins in there and then I added a small bit after it was done so I'm not sure how it turned out."

"You did make one for yourself though?"

"Of course. Is Vi coming tonight?"

"Yes thought I told her it wasn't that important but she says she wants my food. She must be living on take out because Ran is not a man of the kitchen unless you count porridge."

"Rather like someone we know." Beam smirked at Kit and Mrs. D.

"Hum. I heard." Then she laughed like a loon. That had been the most hysterical phone call ever but he had been so earnest and cute. Ming and Forth came in then.

"Yo texted he's on his way so lets see what happens now." Ming said with a smirk and his mom looked at him with a side eye.

"Go bug your dad or something. Beam. Tell me about yourself. I didn't get a chance to meet your mom but she sounds like a lovely lady."

Pha pulled up next to the battering ram and stared at it with wide eyes. He hopped out of the car and walked over to it, ran his hands along side it.

"Yo, my granddad had one of these. He sold it to a junk yard but this car is a beast. I cannot tell you how much I played all over this thing when I was a child."

"Your Granddad had one of these?" They turned. Yo grinned and hurried around the car. He went into his uncle's embrace and was hugged mightily hard. Pha couldn't help but smile. Yo looked absolutely happy. And holy hell did that guy look like Ming! No, that was wrong.

"You gave Ming all your genetic code. Did you spit in a petrie dish and he just grew from that?"

Mr. D grinned and beaconed Phana over. "It's a family secret. I'll tell Yo in good time." Phana chuckled and winked at Yo who blushed cutely. Mr. D. watched Pha's face light up as he pinched Yo's cheek softly.

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