FreshyMc 90's // Dream Knows // More ships

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Wattpad account (Fake ones/made up ones) in the book.

Blue's - CuteBerryBlue030

Fell's - EdgyMcEdge69

Error's - 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3

Fresh's - §FreshyMc_90's§ { GasterBlaster_sans came up with it, so I made a little voting between my cousin and bro and..well they agreed on this name out of all of them.}

Sci's - †NerdyScienceDude†

Swap Pap/Stretch's - ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Dream's - ★Positivity_Dude♥

Nightmare's - ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠

Ink's - {Soon to be here}

Reaper N Geno's - ♣After_Death♣030♥

Reaper's - ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥

Geno's - ♦Reaper_DeathAfter♦0♥

WARNING: May contain some violence and Curses/swears/bad words

Few days had passed since the visit with Blue. In a radical house, Fresh was there sighing as he pulled his phone out, he decided to get the app, Wattpad. He hums to himself while he was signing up, after a couple of minutes of thinking of a name he use the user §FreshyMc_90's§. What was his name of course it can't be his name it will show Error who he is so that's a no.

Than again, he could just not follow Error but instead Check his account daily of something. He sigh as he looks at the paper Blue gave him. "Guess...I need to message him." He mumbled as he write Blue user, he checked the name, "BerryLoveFelly, man he sure likes that edgy dude.." Fresh sigh. "Anyways time to message my ' info Chan '. " He said as he pressed the message after he followed Blue.

§FreshyMc_90's§: Sup Blue, it's meh the radical 90's trash dude.

Fresh thought that Blue wasn't gonna reply to his message due to him sharing a computer with his brother. To Fresh surprise Blue replied.

CuteBerryBlue030: Oh haaiiii, Fresh! How are ya!!!!

§FreshyMc_90's§: does this work?

CuteBerryBlue030: It's simple really... Anyways! What info do you need!?

§FreshyMc_90's§: Info...uhm...idk.

CuteBerryBlue030: aww really? Anyways I can tell you whatever comes to my mind right!?

§FreshyMc_90's§: mhm..

CuteBerryBlue030: Okay! As you can tell I have a huuuge crush on Felly, and..uhm I confessed my feelings to him. He uh...didn't respond to the message so I think I screwed things up.

§FreshyMc_90's§: huh..

CuteBerryBlue030: yep

CuteBerryBlue030: Sooooo My brother have Wattpad too, he only got it to make sure I'm doing okay and no one is bullying or hurting me in any way.

§FreshyMc_90's§: Oh? What's his user?

CuteBerryBlue030: ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡ that's his user.

§FreshyMc_90's§: Okay.

CuteBerryBlue030: Oh! Finally Felly texted me.

CuteBerryBlue030: ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

§FreshyMc_90's§: ?

CuteBerryBlue030: His brother threw his computer out of the window that's why he didn't responded.

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