{Bio, Account, Etc} + First Step

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Wattpad account (Fake ones/made up ones) in the book. Also some Bios have curse words.

Blue's - CuteBerryBlue030

Fell's - EdgyMcEdge69

Error's - 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3

Fresh's - §FreshyMc_90's§

Sci's - †NerdyScienceDude†

Swap Pap/Stretch's - ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Dream's - ★Positivity_Dude♥

Nightmare's - ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠

Ink's - ♠Inky_Squid♠

Reaper N Geno's - ♣After_Death♣030♥

Reaper's - ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥

Geno's - ♦Reaper_DeathAfter♦0♥

Cross's {LE GASP} - •X-Cross&Chara-X•
Bios of these users


Hai Humans or Monsters! I'm Sans from UnderSwap, YOU can call me BB, Blue, and Berry. If you want to give me a nickname that only YOU would call me by, PM me and I need to accept it, hehe ♥.

My brother have Wattpad also, You should follow him! ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡ ♥.

My besties are ★Positivity_Dude♥ , ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠ , and my bestie Ink who doesn't have Wattpad. Hopefully he will soon!!

Anyways, I love Tacos and Pancakes but mostly tacos!


Brother: ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Lover/Gay For: EdgyMcEdge69

Mother/Bestie: ★Positivity_Dude♥

★ Hopefully we become Friends! Mweh heh heh!! ★

Location: UnderSwap Snowdin.



★ Heya Bucko, it's me " Edgy Mc My chemical romance " dude. And uhm..I got this shit for " friendship " purposes.

Friends {Maybe? I fucking don't know.} Are   ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠ , ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥ , 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3 , †NerdyScienceDude† , annnnd I guess  ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡.

I'm taken bitches, so fuck off. Yes, my love have Wattpad, and don't you fucking dare harm him {Yes I'm gay so shut the fuck up and calm your fucking tits.} His account is CuteBerryBlue030.

Anyways folks, have a stupidest day if ya uh idk die- Jk, I mean have a " Great " day and hopefully you don't die today maybe.. whatever.

‡ Fuck off = Your gonna die
† Bad Time = I'm gonna have a fucking good time {having a gewd tem-//killed}

Location: Wishing to leave UnderFell.


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