Should I Give Up On Him? / Blank Death Needs Some ❤

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Wattpad account

Blue's - CuteBerryBlue030

Fell's - EdgyMcEdge69

Error's - 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3

Fresh's - §FreshyMc_90's§

Sci's - †NerdyScienceDude†

Swap Pap/Stretch's - ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Dream's - ★Positivity_Dude♥

Nightmare's - ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠

Ink's - ♠Inky_Squid♠

Reaper N Geno's - ♣After_Death♣030♥

Reaper's - ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥

Geno's - ♦Reaper_DeathAfter♦0♥

Cross's - •X-Cross&Chara-X•

Palette's - RollerbladeKiddoCheerleader

Goth's - 🔱NerdyGothKid🔱
Note: If they're calling through phone the other person have the underlined font Kay?

ALSO artwork above was made by TheSmallSoul and tbh I love how she drew Blank Death!

Enjoy the story

Palette texted Goth to come over to his place. Goth agreed and got permission from his parents.

"Wait Mom, can I bring Blank Death? He need the outdoors he can't stay on here forever." He spoke as he started heading to the stairs.


"Sure son! But don't sin in front of him." Reaper spoke getting a glare from Geno.


"Hey he's a teenager and aren't teenager in mature and probably inappropriate these days?" Reaper questioned.

Goth just left his parents be and went upstairs to Blank Death's room. While Raven however was busy playing Minecraft with his friends.


"So he's the one you like?" Error asked as he looks at Palette's screen.

Palette only nod as he look at Error, "He really is a good kid and he's so kind and shy towards everyone except with his friends. Although he is shy around me at most cases but nowadays he's not."

"Ink you're such a bad father." Nightmare stated as he leaned against the couch.

"Hey! I never wanted to be a father in the first place!!"

"Same with my brother that you somewhat made him prego years ago."


"Brother stop talking about that." Dream butted in as he sigh.


Blank Death looks at his necklace only to sigh, picking it up he started heading towards the door where Goth waited for him.

"Ready to go?" Goth asked.

Blank Death scanned the room before nodding his head and took Goth's hand. The two started heading down the stairs and out of the house.


Ink stood up, "Error let's go."


Ink started making his way to the door but only to stop to wait for Error. Once Error was behind him, he opened the door and the two left the house.

"How do you feel after knowing that I have a son?" Ink asked as the went far away from the house.

"It was surprising at first but your son does somewhat resemble you. Then again he doesn't resemble much."

"So you don't hate him?"

"No, I actually like him. He seem like a nice kid. Although love, I feel that you should watch over him. Even if you don't want the responsibility but he's your son and he deserves the best."

"True Ruru, but.. I don't know if I'm a good father."

"Dream is the mother correct?"


"You don't see him giving up on Palette, he actually started helping Palette grow up even if he's in highschool. He still has a childhood to live through."

Ink paused his walking as he looks down. "Should I give up on him?" He silently asked.

"WHAT! No!! Don't do that!" Error glitched out a bit, he couldn't believe that Ink will give up on his son for what reason? He could just imagine how that scene would be if it was actually his and Ink's child. Oh lord.


Goth knocked on the door to have it opened by Dream. "Oh hello Goth! Blank Death! Welcome!" He chirped as he open the door widely for them to enter.

They both enter the house but Blank Death just went to sit on the couch, next to Palette.

"Hey Palette!" Goth greeted.


"How are you feeling?"

"I feel better than when I first got the pain." Palette looks at Blank Death before asking Goth, "What's wrong with your brother?"

"I actually don't know.." Goth replied truthfully.


To be continued.

Anyways what do you think is the matter with Blank Death? Comment below.

And any idea for this book will be appreciated! So thanks!

I'll see ya in this book or any other book that we come across with.

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