All He Is To Me Is A.....{Part Two}/Who did it?

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Wattpad account (Fake ones/made up ones) in the book. Also some Bios have curse words.

Blue's - CuteBerryBlue030

Fell's - EdgyMcEdge69

Error's - 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3

Fresh's - §FreshyMc_90's§

Sci's - †NerdyScienceDude†

Swap Pap/Stretch's - ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Dream's - ★Positivity_Dude♥

Nightmare's - ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠

Ink's - ♠Inky_Squid♠

Reaper N Geno's - ♣After_Death♣030♥

Reaper's - ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥

Geno's - ♦Reaper_DeathAfter♦0♥

Cross's {LE GASP} - •X-Cross&Chara-X•

I bet no one expected this thing to show up once again! Yes in bring Wattpad back, I don't care how much I broke the wall.

Just read my Afterdeath book and see how much I broke the wall there-

Goth looked at his best friend in total sadness yet with a sigh he spoke. "Only because they abounded you, it doesn't doesn't mean they completely forgotten about you." He said.

"Well...they did! If they didn't they would've been here with me but they're not!"

"Palette, please this isn't how it should be!?"


Ink sigh as he looked at the mess he made in the house. "Darn.." he mumbled as he tried to think where it could be.

Paint came into the living room to pause dead on his track. "Bro? What in the painting gods are you doing?" He asked.

"Uhm finding my missing stuff? What else??" Ink asked his brother.

" it necessary to trash the house?"


"Anyways brother, I'm going to head and stay at Undyne's place for a week or so. Something to do with I guess an Au though fear not! I shall not leave you alone for that long! You could have your friend Error to be with you! Alright?" Paint said informing Ink on what's gonna happen.

"Alright, stay safe bro."

"I will."


Blank Death woke up at 8Am as he got up and went downstairs to be greeted by his mother.

"Hello sweetheart, how did you slept?" Geno asked him.

"I slept well mom!" Blank Death replied.

"Hey, have anyone seen Goth?" Reaper asked as he enter the living room.

"No." Geno said before continuing, " is he missing? If so since when!? I can't lose my son you know!!" He said having a panic attack.

"Hey hey!! He's not missing I'm sure of that. Maybe he left early! I'm not sure but maybe he just needed fresh air."

"No no no if my baby left he would've wrote a note!"

Blank Death just listen to his parents talking before leaving back to his room. Once in his room he took out Ink's diary and started to read it because why not?

Dear Sir Diary,

My name is Ink and today was a rough day. Dream and I aren't that close anymore, we.. dislike each other due to how he wants to protect everyone while I want to protect the Au. Yes it seems that we want to protect the same thing BUT Dream wants everyone to live while I don't care about others.

You Colored My Heart (Ink x Error) Where stories live. Discover now