Fresh is trying to get answers/Blank Death Dream {1}

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Wattpad account

Blue's - CuteBerryBlue030

Fell's - EdgyMcEdge69

Error's - 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3

Fresh's - §FreshyMc_90's§

Sci's - †NerdyScienceDude†

Swap Pap/Stretch's - ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Dream's - ★Positivity_Dude♥

Nightmare's - ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠

Ink's - ♠Inky_Squid♠

Reaper N Geno's - ♣After_Death♣030♥

Reaper's - ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥

Geno's - ♦Reaper_DeathAfter♦0♥

Cross's - •X-Cross&Chara-X•

Palette's - RollerbladeKiddoCheerleader

Goth's - 🔱NerdyGothKid🔱
Note: If they're calling through phone the other person have the underlined font Kay?

Error speaks in Italics!

Enjoy the story

Blank Death sat on Palette's lap as he smiles. "Boop!" He chirped booping Palette. Goth however watched them as he pat his brother head before questioning Palette.

"What even happened to you?" Goth asked as he place his hand on Palette's hand.

Palette notice what Goth did and was about to say what he was doing but decided to answer the question.

"I was just attacked. Well...I actually made the move...I think? But I got hurt during it. Would've lost my life ...mother wasn't there... Hey...Uhm Goth, do you know anyone who wears all white and black..?"

Goth looks at the floor and hum only to look at Palette once again, "No. I don't know anyone with that outfit scheme."


Fresh sigh as he knocks on the door as Ink opens it, "Oh! Hey Fresh! What brings you here?"

Fresh smile, "I'm here to talk to my glitchy bro. If he's here."

Ink nods as he let Fresh enter the house, "Error is definitely here he's currently in my room... probably snooping through my sketch books...again." Ink spoke once Fresh closed the door.

"Oh okay. Hey Ink... how's your relationship with Error going? Dating wise."

Ink looks at Fresh and forced a chuckle, "Me with him? Psh, that won't work out. We're not even in a relationship! We're just...close friends..."

Fresh mouth an 'Oh' which Ink scratched the back of his head, "What makes you think we're like that?"

"Well my radical Inky bro, you two seems too close. More than close friends then again! I might misunderstood something. " Fresh spoke.


"Ink can I ask you something?" Fresh asked as he looks at Ink.

"Yeah you can ask me anything!"

" you know what happened to Palette? Your son?"



"I uh..Uhm yeah?"

"Ink, tell me the truth."

"Yes I do know what happened. I uh... don't want to speak about it though.."

"Then we will speak about it, right here and right now."


Blue was texting with Fell through Wattpad.

CuteBerryBlue030: Fellyyyyy did you know Fresh is overly jealous of his brother, Error? He's also planning on ruining their relationship! And I'm helping him, I know I had the choice not to..but you know me I looooove drama!!

EdgyMcEdge69: Ah okay. Anyways Blue, when will we have

CuteBerryBlue030: Any day at any time...well except really REALLY late since I need my rest!

EdgyMcEdge69: Heh alright.

CuteBerryBlue030: <3

EdgyMcEdge69: </3

CuteBerryBlue030: *le gasp and bandage heart* I'mma heal you!!

EdgyMcEdge69: *Fell soon passed out by too my cuteness.*

CuteBerryBlue030: *Blueberry grabbed a bucket of water and throws the water at Fell.*

EdgyMcEdge69: {Why r we roleplaying??? Of ourselves??}

*Fell wakes up and cough, grumbling he rasp out* The fuck?

CuteBerryBlue030: {Idk!!}

*Blueberry gasp as he looks at Fell* Profanity!!!


Blank Death had went to sleep on Palette. Palette didn't mind nor care as he spoke with Goth.

Nightmare did came in from time to time only to give Palette the medicine and to make sure they weren't being a sinner and well sin.

After a while Goth needed to take his leave, grabbing his sleeping brother and carrying him.

"Hey Goth, when will your brother see me again?!" Palette asked eager to see Blank Death more.

"Someday." Goth spoke and with that he left saying his goodbyes to Dream and Nightmare before walking home. Carrying Blank Death in his arms.
Blank Death POV {Dream}

Looking around I saw my brother Goth kissing Palette! Awh!! They're so cute together!!

I was on the grass watching as the critters and well life grow and looked. Sure I have a knife filled with determination and a scythe, and blasters. I'm still weak in health wise. But, Mommy wants me to be strong like him. Determination is what seeks in my soul. Just like Mommy.

My dark red cloak didn't really fit this beautiful scene. I knew this was just a dream but, it's beautiful and I want life to be like this. Though Uncle Fresh wants Mr. Ink who's Palette dad...right? But Mr. Ink is with Uncle Error, Uncle Fresh's brother.

Why is life so cruel yet not at the same time? Is it because Daddy didn't loved Life? Or is it because Daddy was death?

But if Daddy was death then how was Gothy, Raven, and I was created? Since we are... life? We were brought to life. Like...if we were in a grave waiting to be brought to life once more?

Then again this life has mysteries that is yet needed to be solved.

"Hey bro! Want ice cream?" I look up and see my brother with a smile.

"Sure!" I chirped as I took his hand and as quickly like that it all changed into the ice cream shop.

"Welcome to Undervil Nice Cream shop! What do you want to order?" A female spoke as Goth looks at me.

"I want cream." I said as he nods and order it.

I soon watch as this scene fade into nothing but ash. All I saw was black, I started walking. This looked like the screen Mommy was trapped in's a bit off.

I felt watched but all around me is black. Black goop? Mr. Nightmare? No he would've been visible to see right? He's not goopy...

Where am I?

You Colored My Heart (Ink x Error) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora