Chapter Four

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Four

"There really isn't much to tell, Ali," I shrugged. "Paul made the executive decision to end things."

"Edward said you were crying a lot last night. He was worried about you," Alice frowned.

"Ali, Edward worries if I don't come home on time. He's a perpetual worrier," I deadpanned. "I love your brother, but he's going to go grey before he hits thirty."

"It's part of being the middle child. He's the nurturer of our bunch," Alice said, tapping her lips. "He's had to come between me and Emmett more times than not. Plus, he hates to see people he cares for to be hurt. Do you remember James and that whole debacle?"

James was Alice's ex-boyfriend from college. They were together for two years when Alice walked in on James having a threesome on Alice's bed in her apartment. Alice was a sobbing, hysterical mess because she thought that James was her soul mate. He, apparently, was not convinced and needed to find himself with Victoria and Laurent, two classmates from his intro to theater class. Edward flew out from Harvard Law to come and console his sister because I was student teaching in the suburbs. I didn't have a car and couldn't take any time off due to the stringent rules the college set up for my student teaching experience. He also almost got arrested for beating James into a bloody pulp when James had the gall to show his weasly little face at Alice's apartment, begging for forgiveness. Despite the fact that Edward had two broken knuckles, he spent the entire weekend consoling Alice, not to mention moving her into another apartment. He needed to make sure his baby sister was safe.

Edward is an overbearing, protective brother bear. But it's one of the many things we all love about him.

If it wasn't for Edward, I'd be working in one of the many suburbs of Chicago and not enjoying my life in the city. My parents were so hesitant on letting me live in Chicago because of the soaring crime rate. But, Edward assured Papa Swan, AKA 'The Chief,' that we'd be in a safe neighborhood. Hence, this absolutely gorgeous apartment that we share. I still don't know howEdward and I can afford this. I mean, I'm a lowly second year teacher who makes pittance, and he's an associate attorney, starting from the ground up in a large firm.

Yes, Edward's family came from money, but he was always quick to say that it was his parents' money. Not his. All of the Cullen's have trust funds, but Edward was determined to never touch his unless absolutely necessary.

"Bella, you're spacing out," Alice said, shoving my shoulder.

"Sorry," I replied, shaking my head. "I think the wine killed more of my brain cells that I anticipated."

"You know what makes a hangover go away?" Alice asked, her eyes twinkling. I arched a brow. "More booze!"

"Ugh, Alice, no thanks. Can we just laze around, watch some bad chick flicks and veg?" I asked, whining slightly. "I also need to start grading my sophomore's tests on Fahrenheit 451. I promised them that I'd have them graded by Monday. Some of my girls are so anal about their grades."

"You work just as hard as Edward," Alice snickered. "You two would be a perfect couple! Oh my GOSH! Imagine your babies."

"Alice, no," I said as I walked to my room to grab my messenger bag with the tests. "I love Edward. Don't get me wrong, but thinking of him in that way? It's almost incestuous. You are my sister from another mister." Edward was good looking...okay, good looking is an understatement... with crazy bronze hair that never laid straight, a strong jaw line and sleek muscles, but he...


Just no.

She smiled coyly, hopping up to choose a movie. Hopefully, she was letting this go. It would be weird for Edward and me to be a couple. Yes, we live together. Yes, we can practically finish each other's sentences, know each other's likes and dislikes, but he's Edward. My dorky, overprotective quasi brother. Just ignore Alice's comment and read about how my sophomores completely missed the point of Ray Bradbury'sFahrenheit 451.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet, save for the chick flicks Alice put in. I managed to grade two sections of the tests and was moderately impressed in the fact that they didn't suck. Around five, Edward came back, carrying two large pizza boxes and a six pack of Dos Equis. I opted to not drink since I never fully got over my hangover from last night. I stuck with water and ate my pizza, loaded with all of my favorite toppings. Edward even got me a slice of vanilla bean cheesecake, which is my favorite dessert, to cheer me up. I smiled, deciding to save it for tomorrow.

Alice left after eating pizza, heading out to a club with Jasper. She tried to convince me to go with her, but I needed time to wallow.

A/N: Pictures of Paul and Jasper are on my tumblr and blog. Links in my profile. Also, find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Leave me some!

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