Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Fifty-Eight


Christmas came and went. I was missing Bella something fierce. My mom, in her drunken stupor, even noticed my melancholy mood, but I hid it quickly. I was so confused at Bella and our arrangement. We were, for all intents and purposes, acting like a couple. Minus the kissing.

I really wanted to do some kissing. Kissing Bella's lips, from what I remember from our drunken first night together, was nothing short of amazing. I felt as giddy as a school boy and I knew it was due to growing feelings for Bella.

I really needed to make sense of what I was feeling. Sigh. Yes, Bella said that we had to keep our arrangement a secret, but Ineeded to talk to someone. So, I called my brother. I'd use broad generalities and never describe Bella. We made arrangements to meet up at a sports bar near my apartment. Not the best location to have a heart-to-heart with your older brother, but it would have to do.

I found Emmett sitting in a booth, sipping a huge glass of beer with his eyes trained on the big screen. "Hey, Em," I said, sliding into the booth.

"I ordered you a beer," Emmett said, sliding me a pint of my preferred beer, Blue Moon.

"Thanks," I said, sipping the beer. "Have any plans for New Years?"

"Nah," Emmett shrugged. "I was supposed to go to some big party with Rose, but since we've broken up that ain't happening."

"Have you heard from her?"

"She calls me every week, apologizing and vowing to be better, but I don't believe her," Emmett shrugged. "Plus, I'm pissed at how she left, blurting out that she knew that you paid more rent that Bella. Was she listening to our conversation when you first told me that you were moving in with Bells?"

"I wouldn't put it past her. Rosalie has 'gold-digger' written all over her," I snorted humorlessly. "She knows our family comes from money."

"I don't trust her and I can't be with someone that I don't trust," Emmett shuddered. "How about you? Do you have plans for New Years?"

"Nope. I have a date with my couch and Ryan Seacrest," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Dude, you need to get laid," Emmett laughed. I blushed, batting at the orange slice in my drink. "Why are you blushing?"

"This is why I wanted to get together," I said, looking up at my older brother. "I have gotten laid. Um, there's this girl and wekind of fell into this friends with benefits thing. We're both not looking for a relationship, but we both wanted to have sex." Lies, Cullen. You want to be with Bella, but she's the one against it. Sex is great, but it would mean SO MUCH MORE if...stop thinking that, Edward. Talk. To. Emmett.

"Do I know her? Is she hot?" Emmett asked, his green eyes wide.

"No, you don't know her and she's gorgeous," I said, gulping down some more beer. "The thing is that she imparted somepretty stringent rules. No kissing, no cuddling, no one should know and we can't fall in love with each other."

"Damn, does Bella know? I wonder how she feels when you're getting it on with your mystery hottie?" Emmett pondered.

"Yes, Bella knows. She encouraged it," I lied. "I'm struggling with the rules and I'm...really confused."

"Eddie, you're like a girl," Emmett teased.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm not like a girl," I hissed.

"Did she say why she wanted these rules?" Emmett asked. "No kissing? That's harsh."

"You're telling me. The first time we had sex, we kissed. A lot. But, when she approached me, she said that the kissing had to stop. It was too intimate, quoting Pretty Woman or some shit like that," I grumbled. "And it's not like I can stop my feelings..."

"You care for the girl," Emmett said. "You care for the girl a lot."

"Yeah. Probably more than I should," I blushed. "Prior to our arrangement, she was a good friend and I didn't pursue a relationship with her because I didn't want to lose the friendship. Now, I'm seeing her in a different light and I think I'm falling for her."

"Well, that leaves you with two options," Emmett said sagely.

"What are they?"

"You can either tell the girl how you feel, being truthful and honest or you end it, trying to salvage what's left of your friendship,"Emmett responded.

That's what I was afraid of.

A/N: What do you think Edward will do? Leave your guesses and your love in a review! MWAH!

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