Chapter Seventy

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Seventy


I hate going to clubs. Yet, I'm currently driving my car with Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Bella to Bar Chicago. Jasper had won a free beer party for his birthday and from ten to midnight, everyone in our group got free beer and well drinks. I volunteered to be the sober driver. I hated beer almost as much as I hated clubs.

Okay, I didn't hate beer. I was more of a beer snob.

Alice and Bella were dressed in very sexy dresses. Bella's black dress left little to the imagination. I could see every curve of her delectable body. I wanted nothing more to pull her flush to me, proclaim her mine and take her home to worship her. But, alas. That was not happening.

Bella and I were just friends.

I was beginning to hate that the word, 'friends.'


Keeping my face in an impassive mask, I parked the car in a nearby parking garage. Walking briskly since we weren't wearing coats, we got to the bar and wrist bands were handed out to everyone at the party. Most of the people invited were coworkersfrom Bella's school and patrons from Alice's store. Emmett and I were the only ones not associated with Whitney Young or Alice's shop.

I was leaning against the bar, watching Bella as she danced with Alice and some female coworkers. Emmett walked over to me, holding his cup of Miller Lite. "How are you doing, bro?"

"Honestly, kind of crappy," I answered blandly.


"You know the girl I told you about?" I asked. Emmett nodded. "It didn't work out. I wanted more and she wasn't ready for anything else besides sex."

"I'm sorry, Edward," Emmett frowned. "Are you still close with the girl?"

"Our friendship is intact. I'm willing to wait but she said it's not fair for me to wait for her when she doesn't know how long she..." I trailed off. I looked at my brother. "I can't keep hiding this, but you have to swear to me that you won't breathe this to anyone. If you do, I'll cut off your balls and feed them to you. You understand me?'

"I value my gonads, Edward. You can tell me anything," Emmett said sincerely.

"It's Bella. The girl I mentioned to you...she was Bella. Is Bella. I'm in love Bella," I said, thrusting my hands up into my hair.

"I knew it," he chuckled. "Bella, while she was on medical leave, mentioned something to me. I put two and two together, figuring that you two were boning each other."

"Not anymore," I snored derisively. "Em, the feelings I have for her are...I have no words to describe them. I want her. In every fucking way. It kills me that she doesn't feel the same as I do."

"Edward, she cares about you. She said so when we talked. But, she's stubborn and confused. You know Bella. When she realizes something, she goes for it full-force. Her eyes were swimming with emotion when she was talking about the situation between you two. Give her time and eventually she'll realize that it's you who she wants," Emmett replied, clapping my shoulder.

"Until then, I have to watch this?" I asked, gesturing to the guy who was grinding against Bella. She seemed into but when his hand gripped her ass, she spun away angrily. I was ready to hop out there, pretend to be the jealous boyfriend but Bella shoved him away, spitting in his face. He started to lunge after her, but Emmett and I pulled her back, glaring at the douchebag.

"Stupid slut, you're not worth it," the asshole growled. "I bet you like it when they fuck all your holes."

I saw red when he called her that, but I kept my temper in check. Bella's hand found mine and she tugged on it. Dragging me away from the jerk. He scowled at us as he grabbed his buddies, leaving the bar. "Edward, ignore him," Bella hissed, grabbing my face and forcing me to look at her. "He's an asshole."

"He touched you when you didn't want it," I snarled.

"I know. But, I handled it," she said sternly. "I appreciate your help with Emmett. I didn't have to break out the mace."

"Does that happen often?" I asked, my protective side kicking in.

"Being called a slut or being hit on?" she asked.

"Both," I grimaced.

"Not very often. Obviously, when I do get hit on, it's by jerks like him, or Paul or Jacob. I'm a big girl, Edward. I can handle it," she said, rubbing my arm.

"Fine. I'm going to get some air. I'll be back in a little bit," I said, getting my wrist stamped as I walked down the stairs to cool off on the chilly streets of Chicago.

A/N: Bella is a moron, but she's young. I've never been in a situation like hers, but when I was her age, I dated around and probably overlooked some amazing guys because I was searching for my prince charming. Unfortunately, I didn't have a prince charming waiting in the wings. How long will she wait before she realizes her dream man is standing right in front of her?

Also, as I looking for pictures for Bar Chicago, I hadn't realized that the bar had closed. For creative purposes, I'm keeping it in and I'm strangely upset that it is closed because it was cool place. Just sayin! Leave me some!

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