Chapter Fifty-Three

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Fifty-Three


Alice was late. She was supposed to be at school an hour ago. I was scowling at my watch, impatiently waiting for her. My flight wasn't scheduled to leave for another few hours, but it was snowing and traffic, according the radio, was treacherous. I dialed Alice again and her phone went directly to voicemail.

No one was at school. I refused to take a cab. I didn't want to call Edward. I was, for all intents and purposes, stranded at Whitney Young High School.

Why didn't you want to call Edward?

Oh, right. We spent nearly all night having sex and he was plum tuckered out. Hell, so was I, but I still had to go to work and administer my final exams to my kids. When I got up from his bed, Edward barely moved. Well, he moved a little. He reached blindly on the spot where I had just vacated. I laughed tiredly, putting a pillow in his arms and he fell asleep, snoring like a damn freight train.

It was just after three. Edward had to be up by now. I couldn't wait any longer. Dialing my best friend, I waited for him to pick up. "Cullen," he said brusquely.

"Edward, it's Bella," I said. "Alice was supposed to take me to the airport and I think she forgot."

"What time is your flight, Bells?" he asked, his voice softening immediately.

"Not until seven, but it's icky out and..."

"Say no more. I'm on my way. I was just getting out of the shower after a workout," he explained.

"As if last night wasn't a workout," I teased.

"I need to build up my endurance. I'll be there in a half hour, Bells," Edward chuckled. "I'll send you a text when I'm in the parking lot."

"Thanks, Edward," I sighed. I hung up the phone and checked my email. It was mostly crap, jokes from my mom and a random message from a guy I went to high school with. His name was Jacob Black. He lived on the La Push Reservation. We had usually gotten together over my breaks since I rarely went home. I knew that Jacob had feelings for me, but they were not reciprocated. Clicking on the email, I perused his message.

To: Isabella Swan

From: Jacob Black

Re: Holidays are Here!


Hey! I was so excited to hear that you were coming into town for your break. I'd love to get together while you're in town. Things are busy, but I'll definitely make time for you. In fact, I'd like for you to be my date for the New Year's Eve Bash at the Rec Center on the rez. Your mom said that you and Paul broke up and well...since you're single. I'm single...

You know?

I've liked you for a long time, Bella. Maybe the time is finally right.

Call me,


I wrinkled my nose. Jacob was a good guy. Whenever we hung out, it was fun, but there was no spark there. We were from two different worlds. Jacob was content to stay on the reservation, working as a mechanic and drinking beers with his buddies. I loved living in the city and I refused to move back to Forks. Shaking my head, I shut down my computer when my phone buzzed on my desk, indicating that Edward was in the parking lot. Swiping my bags from the corner, I walked out to Edward's waiting car. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and his gray pea coat. When he saw me, he ran over to me, picking up my huge rolling suitcase. "Thanks again," I smiled. "I'm about ready to strangle your sister."

"She never called?" Edward asked as he tossed my bag into the trunk of his car.

"Nope. I don't know why," I shrugged. "I talked to her yesterday and she said that she'd be here."

"She probably just forgot. Do you want me to read her the riot act at Christmas?" Edward asked.

"Nah. Just tell her that I gave her Christmas present to the poor," I giggled. "I bet the homeless lady that I give her new Coach wristlet to will be thrilled!"

"Are you excited to see your family?" Edward questioned, carefully navigating the streets until he got onto the highway.

"Yes and no. Yes, because I miss them. No, because it's gonna to be boring as hell. I know my dad will be working on Christmas. My mom is going to try and cook my Nana's lasagna and probably burn it to a crisp, resulting in the annual visit from the fire department. I'm going to have to avoid Jake."

"He's still pining over you?" Edward snorted.

"I just got an email from him. He wants me to be his date for the New Year's Eve thing at the rez," I said, wrinkling my nose. "If I say yes, he'll think I'm interested. I'll have to fight off his beefy hands and fishy lips. If I say no, my dad will be all over me for not wanting to be with his best friend's kid. I'd rather gnaw off my own arm"

"You could say that we're dating to get him off your case," Edward suggested, his turning bright pink.

"I'll only use that if he doesn't take no for an answer," I shrugged. I picked up my cell phone, quickly changing the background to a picture of Edward and me. It was taken last Fourth of July. "For now, this will be my background and he'll just assume. Jake isn't the sharpest tool in the shed."

A/N: Why didn't Alice pick up Bella? And what do you think of Jake? Will he be a problem? Leave me some!

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