Chapter Twenty-Two

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Twenty-Two


We went upstairs and helped Esme finish putting together our Thanksgiving meal. Once that was done, I went upstairs to shower, change and make myself look presentable. All of the Cullens were freaking supermodels. And the fact that they were nice made them even more beautiful. Alice was a little bit shorter than me with long, dark brown hair. She had sparkling gray eyes and the cutest body. When we were younger, I called her Tinkerbelle because she flitted around like that annoying littlefairy. However, her flits grew more graceful and she was less like an elf and more like a ballerina.

Emmett was tall. He was over six feet, five inches tall and built like a brick shithouse. All full of muscles and man and yeah...if you didn't know him, you'd be intimidated by Em. However, he was the sweetest guy. A little dumb, but that was due in part to all of his hits he took as a football player, but had a heart of gold. Emmett worked for the Bears organization. He used to play for the Seahawks but a horrible knee injury ended his career. Now, Emmett coordinates with the Make a Wish Foundation and other charities in making kid's dreams come true at Soldier Field or with a Bear's player. He also works for the Cubs, Blackhawks and White Sox, as well. But his main focus is on football since that was his sport. Emmett had dark brown curly hair and crystal blue eyes. His smile was crooked, like Edward's but it only came out when he was being mischievous. Which was all of the time!

Esme and Carlisle were the most adorable couple. Carlisle had light brown hair with gray smattered through it and he looked amazing for a father of three and nearly pushing mid-fifties. Edward got most of his looks from his dad. The main difference between the two are their coloring. Carlisle had brown hair and blue eyes. Edward had reddish hair and bright green eyes. Esme, who was the ginger in the family, gave Edward his eye and hair color but it worked for both of them. Esme was the epitome of 'mom.' But she had an edge. Esme, usually, was my drinking buddy. We loved to get tipsy and stupid together. Typically, we'd end up in a heap of giggles and drunken snorts at the end of a party. Carlisle had to drag her to bed and Edward drunk babysat me while I worshiped the porcelain god.

I loved the Cullen's like they were my own family. They had, unofficially, adopted me since my parents still lived in Forks. My mom is an elementary school teacher, teaching a combined class of fourth and fifth graders. Renee is the perfect elementary school teacher. She's zany and the kids love her. My dad is the opposite. He's stoic and by the book. He has to be. Charlie is the police chief of the small town where I grew up, Forks, Washington. My parents are the perfect example of opposites attract. They were so different, but it worked for them. Charlie grounded Renee while she provided my dad with the fun and spontaneity that everyone needs every once in a while.

I finished getting dressed and putting on my makeup. Slipping on my boots, I teetered down the stairs, anxious to share a bottle of vino with Esme. We both needed it after dealing with Rosalie yesterday and again this morning. Hell, I was close to going to Carlisle's liquor cabinet and filling a beer pint full of every liquor he had in there, chugging it until I fell into a drunken stupor.

When I got downstairs, I noticed someone in the living room. Walking closer, I saw that it was Emmett. He was spinning the keys that Rosalie had given him prior to her departure. "You okay, Emmett?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"Not really," he shrugged. "The girl you guys saw was not the girl that I knew. Rosalie, yes, was incredibly harsh and blunt to the point of cruelty."

"Really, you think?" I spat.

"What she said about you was uncalled for. I was never angrier at than when she called you those horrible things, Bella," he frowned. "But, when it was the two of us, Rosalie smiled and she was sweet, loving and thoughtful."

"She's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," I said. "She has two personalities. But how could you stay with her when she treated your family like she did?"

"I was lonely, Bella," he shrugged. "I was talking to Edward about this the night before last. He and Alice are so smart and they attract different people. I attract girls like Rosalie. For a long time, I'd just have random one-night stands just to get off, but Ididn't want that. So, with Rosie, I figured I'd try a relationship. Her only redeeming quality was the time we spent alone and the fact that she gave a great blow job."

"Emmett, I hate to burst your bubble, but that is not the recipe for a long-standing relationship," I smirked, rubbing his massive shoulder. "Did you have anything in common?"

"We liked to fuck," Emmett answered simply.

"So, no."

"I wasted two years, Bella," he groaned, thrusting his hands into his hair.

"If it's any consolation, that's a year less than I wasted," I snickered. "I wasted three years with, as Edward calls him, the hipster douchenozzle troll man."

"Get it right, Bella. It's the hipster douche canoe!" Edward yelled from the kitchen.

"Quit eavesdropping, Cullen," I laughed. Turning back to Emmett, I smiled softly. "Emmett, I'm sorry that Rosalie wasn't what you wanted. You'll find that special girl."

"Thanks, Bella," he said, hugging me tightly. I felt all of my air be pushed out of my lungs from his beefy arms.

"Can't. Breathe. Emmett!" I choked out.

"Sorry!" he snickered. "I keep forgetting that you're not indestructible."

"Not all of us can be walls of muscle, Emmett."

A/N: Still undecided if Emmett is going to go back to Rosalie. Anyhow, we're continuing Thanksgiving with the next chapter. Leave me some! Oh, and if you're interested, come find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. We'll be discussing this story along's fun!

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