Chapter Sixty-Three

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Sixty-Three


The next week was unbelievably awkward. Well, for me. Edward seemed unfazed by his proposal of taking a step back. I felt guilty. I definitely felt like I had used him and I hated the slight distance it between us. Edward spent most of his time at work while I obsessed over our situation for the remainder of my winter break. The only respite came when I started training for my part-time job at Alice's store. I went back to school, but I was distracted and struggled to get through the day without fumbling over words or stumbling over my feet.

On Wednesday, a week since Edward and I had our midnight chat, I was eating lunch. Jasper sat down, spreading an ungodly amount of mayonnaise on his sandwich. "Do you want some turkey with your mayo?" I quipped.

"I love mayo," he said, spreading the white dressing all over his food. "It's the best condiment. Ever."

"If you say so," I shrugged.

"What's wrong, Swan? You've been in a funk since we got back from break," he pointed out. "Everything okay?"

"It's fine. I'm just dealing with some crap," I replied, nibbling on my salad.

"Bella, you've been distracted and you look tired. You know you can talk to me," Jasper said honestly.

"I know, it's just personal and I don't want to get to upset at work," I sighed, pushing my salad away.

"Is it Paul?" Jasper asked, his brow arching.

"Ew, no. I haven't heard from him since he demanded I pull his iPod out of my ass," I snorted. "It's nothing, really." I got up and threw my lunch away. "I'm going to make some copies. I'll talk to you later, Jas."

"Sure, Bella," he said.

I turned on my heel and darted to my office. Grabbing what I needed, I went to the copy room and made what I needed for the rest of the week. The bell was about to ring. I swept my papers into my arms, rushing to drop them off on my desk before going to teach my World History class. I picked up my planner, my teacher's edition and lanyard which had my flash drive. I moved through the sea of high school students, trying to get to the stairs so I could get to the main floor. Rushing down the steps, my foot caught on the last step before the floor. I fell in heap, feeling my wrist collapse underneath my weight and my ankle twisting uncomfortably. My books were strewn on the floor and I was in complete agony.

"Miss Swan! Are you alright?" shrieked on of my students, Tia.

"No. Go get the nurse and Mr. Whitlock," I said, trying to move but every muscle in my body protested. She nodded, darting away.

My principal, Dr. Smith, showed up shortly after she left, crouching by my head. "Don't move, Bella," he said, keeping me on the floor. "Tia is getting the nurse and I called Jasper. He's covering your class."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Smith," I mumbled, completely embarrassed that I was sprawled out, ass over heels, on the grimy floor of my school.

"Why are you apologizing?" he asked.

"I don't know, sir," I said, tears pricking my eyes.

The nurse arrived with the wheelchair, urging Tia to go to class. Dr. Smith and the nurse, Mrs. Miller, helped me up. My left wrist was swollen and was multicolored. My ankle throbbed painfully and I felt tears falling over my cheeks. "Do you have her emergency contact?" Dr. Smith asked Mrs. Miller.

"Alice Cullen and then Edward Cullen," she replied, looking at my form that I filled out at the beginning of the year.

"Call Alice first," I sniffled as Dr. Smith helped me into the wheelchair.

"Yeah," I frowned. Dr. Smith pushed me toward the nurse's office and I could hear her talk to Edward.

"Mr. Cullen? This is Maryann Miller from Whitney Young High School. Isabella Swan, one of our employees, took a spill and has you listed as her emergency contact...a half hour? Great, we'll look for you then. Thank you!" She hung up her phone, smiling at me gently. "Edward will be here in a half hour. It'll give us time to fill out the paperwork from your fall."

"I'll go up to your office and get your coat and bags. It's pretty safe to assume that you'll be off for a couple of days," Dr. Smith smirked. "I'll let Jasper and Maureen know about your tumble." Maureen was the English department head. Dr. Smith left me in the nurse's office and I told her about what happened. Because of the fact that I fell on school grounds, I could be eligible for workman's comp. We filled out the paperwork for that and waited for Dr. Smith to return with my jacket and bags. Shortly before Edward arrived, Dr. Smith returned with my belongings, explaining that Jasper would swing by my apartment tonight for my sub plans. I was off until I was released by my doctor.

Edward rushed into the nurse's office with one of the secretaries. He looked genuinely concerned, his eyes wide with fright and his hair a ruffled mess. "Mr. Cullen?" Dr. Smith asked.

"Yes," he said. "Are you alright, Bells?"

"No," I grumped. My arm was killing me and my ankle was throbbing. "My body aches but my pride took more of a beating." Dr. Smith chuckled. "I'm on a mini-vacay until the doctor clears me." Mrs. Miller handed me the paperwork to present to the doctor for the workman's comp claim. Draping my coat over my body, I was rolled out to Edward's car. He tenderly helped me into the front seat, shaking hands with Dr. Smith before getting into the driver's seat. Tears were spilling over my cheeks and I felt so ashamed.

"Don't cry, Bells," he whispered, wiping a tear away.

"It hurts," I choked out. But it was more than just my bruises that hurt.

A/N: Oh, clumsy Bella. I've done this before. Fallen on my ass in school and having to be picked up by my ex-husband. Never fun. Leave me some!

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