Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Eight

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 138


The next day, I was woken up by the smell of bacon and cinnamon. I felt on Bella's side of the bed and it was cold. I was about to get up when she came up with a tray, filled to the brim with breakfast foods. All of my favorite breakfast foods. Bella explained that she still felt horribly guilty for yelling at me on Thursday and that she wanted to make it up to me. She was taking a page from her grandmother's is love and a full belly is forgiven.

At the rate we were going, I'd be four hundred pounds by Monday.

Throughout the day, Bella and I did our own thing. I finished some work for a few meetings on Monday and also planned an impromptu date for the two of us. I also responded to a text from Angela, who had requested to go out to lunch on Tuesday. As soon as I got that, I walked over to check on Bella. She was reading a book from next year's reading list for her seniors. "Hey, love," I said, sitting on the edge of the couch. "How's the book?"

"Interesting. I think the kids are going to love it," she said, putting it on the table. "So many themes that connect to topics that are relevant to today. I'm excited to teach it. What's up?"

"Well, two things," I began, putting her feet on my lap, massaging them gently. "First off, I have a lunch meeting with Angela on Tuesday."

"Angela. The ex, Angela? The one that freaked out over the size of your Schwartz?" Bella snorted.

"One in the same. She's dating Emmett," I smirked.

"No way!"

"Way," I laughed. "Anyhow, she wanted to get together with me and talk. Are you okay with that?"

"Edward, I trust you. I know you won't do what Paul did to me," she blushed.

"Never, baby," I soothed, rubbing her foot. "Now, the second thing is that I want to take you out on a date. Something casual. Dress comfortably, alright?"

"Okay," she beamed. "When are we going?"

"Let's shoot for leaving here at five. It's close to my parent's place," I said. She nodded and hopped up from the couch. Kissing my cheek, she darted upstairs to take a shower since she was still in her pajamas from earlier in the day. The rest of the afternoon was still lazy. I caught up on some DVR while Bella got ready for our date. At four-thirty, I changed into a pair of jeans and a green plaid button-down. I attempted to tame my hair, but it was an act in futility since I was in desperate need of a haircut. Slipping on a pair of black chucks and my glasses, I went downstairs to grab my phone and wallet, which were sitting on the kitchen counter. Bella walked down the stairs, wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a loose fitting gray sweater with a purple tank top underneath. She also had on a pair of purple chucks and her hair was down in loose, sexy curls.

My cock hardened instantly but I had to remind him that we were not getting any. Behave, perv. "You ready, pretty girl?" I asked, offering my hand to her. She smiled, eagerly taking my hand and hugging my waist. Kissing her hair, I led her out to my car and helped her into the seat. Jogging around to the driver's side, I backed up, and drove toward my parent's home town. There was a street festival happening that included art, music, games and rides. I wanted to just play tonight, eat some unhealthy food and work on healing our relationship. It was better, but I know that Bella still feels guilty over her reaction about Paul.

Parking the car at the nearby high school, we walked to the street fair. "Oh, Edward! I haven't been to one of these since high school," she breathed. "We have to go on the Zipper." I gulped, not a fan of rides, especially ones where they flipped. Ferriswheels, carousels, those were great. Roller coasters and the Zipper? Not so much. Bella swatted my arm. "It'll be fun, Edward. We'll work up to it."

"Whatever you say, pretty girl," I said, trying to hide the tremor in my voice. She giggled, dragging me into the festival. I bought a roll of tickets and we did start off simple with the Ferris wheel. Bella was snuggled to my side, idly playing with my fingers. She wasn't her normal talkative self, more introspective and cuddly. I didn't mind the cuddliness, but was concerned about her quiet nature as of late. "You okay, Bella?"

"I'll hopefully be fine," she answered, threading her fingers with mine. "I'm just upset at myself about what happened. I want to shoot Paul in balls for..." she stopped, tears running down her cheeks.

"You're not the only one, Bella," I said, wrapping her in an awkward hug since we were still on the ride. "I do get the dubious honor of watching him squirm in courtroom as these girls will flay him open like the snake that he is. The evidence is in theirfavor. I also understand why you defended him..."

"I wanted to slap myself for that. I was just so angry at you that I started to defend him, even though he was screwing around on me," she muttered. "I just hate fighting with you, Edward. I hate conflict. That's part of my problem."

"Oh, the irony that you're in love with a lawyer, a person who strives on conflict," I teased.

"Opposites do attract," she giggled. Bella palmed my face, looking into my eyes. "I do love you. I've always loved you and always will."

Leaning forward, I pressed my mouth to hers. She sighed contentedly, just melting against my body. I slid my tongue inside of her mouth and we languidly made out until the ride was over. Kissing her nose, I helped her off the ride. Walking with her, I found a nearby tree and kissed her more deeply, until we were both breathless. "I know you're afraid, baby." Her eyes widened. "You're afraid that I'm going to walk away. But, I won't. I can't. Cullens fall hard and forever. My dad used to joke that we mate for life." I picked up her hand, kissing her palm before pressing it to my chest over my heart. "This is yours now. Don't be afraid of me leaving. I will never..."

A few tears ran down her cheeks and she pressed her hand closer to my chest. "I'm working on it. It'll take time, but are you ready for the Zipper?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Not yet, love," I deadpanned.

A/N: For those of you who don't know...the Zipper...yeah, it's the scariest ride. I rode it once. NEVER AGAIN. A picture is on my blog, tumblr and twitter. Then again, I'm chicken when it comes to rides. I'll keep my feet firmly planted on the ground, thank you very much. Leave me some!

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