Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Ninety-Nine


As we drove to Lincoln Park, I was still troubled by Bella's lack of self-confidence. Honestly, I was more baffled than anything. The woman was a siren, calling to me with her sinfully gorgeous body and amazing mind. When she was happy, her confidence grew and it was the sexiest thing ever. Hearing her put herself down, it saddened me. I wanted nothing more than to shake her and tell her that she's astounding, but I knew she wouldn't believe me.

Driving through the Lincoln Park neighborhood, there were signs all around. The springtime flower show was going on at theLincoln Conservatory. That sounded infinitely more romantic than the zoo. Plus, Bella's past boyfriends were seriously lacking in the flower department. How could they not want to make her feel special? Making the decision to take my girlfriend to that, I parked near the conservatory.

Bella was lost in thought, clutching my hand. Her beautiful face was drawn into a slight frown and her eyes were covered by her sunglasses, but I could see tears forming behind them. "Bells?" I whispered.

"Hmmm?" she replied, shaking her head. "Sorry..."

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked.

"Just trying to..." she trailed off. "Never mind. I want to enjoy the rest of our date. I'm sorry that my insecurities are rearing their ugly head. What's next, counselor?" She looked at me, smiling softly.

I stared at her, arching my brow. She pulled her sunglasses and gave me her own look. Leaning across the arm rest, she kissed me gently and got out of the car. I followed suit, jogging to catch up with her. Threading my hand with hers, I kissed her temple. "Are you sure you're okay?" I murmured against her skin.

"I'm fine, Edward. I promise," she said, wrapping her arms around me. "Seriously, though. What's next?"

"Originally, I was going to take us to the zoo, but the spring flower show at the Lincoln Conservatory sounds more appropriate for a first date, hmmmm?" I asked.

"It does, but the zoo sounds fun, too," she giggled. "If there's time, maybe we can go there?"

I nodded and we walked to the conservatory. We wandered around the flower show, snapping photos and acting like two love-struck teenagers. I pulled Bella into hidden corners and secluded alcoves as much as I could, kissing her pink lips. Each time I did that, she just melted against me. Our lips caressed each other and our tongues tangled. Bella's fingers were threaded in my hair and I gripped her hips, though her ass was tempting me with each moment we lost ourselves in a kiss.

We were getting ready to leave when another couple bumped into us. The man was wearing an obnoxious fedora and the woman ran right into Bella, causing her to stumble. "Hey, watch where you're going," Bella snapped.

The woman turned and sneered at Bella. The man was someone familiar. "Well, it looks like you're over me, Isabella," Paul scowled. Turning to me, he gave me a glare. "Enjoying my sloppy seconds?"

I glared at the evil troll that was Bella's ex. "Grow up, asshole," I snarled. He just smiled evilly, snaking his arm around his date, who looked like she was still in high school. I wrapped an arm around my girl, wanting to shield her from the vitriol this jerkwad was spewing.

"Paulie, baby, who is she?" asked the barely legal teenager on his arm.

"No one of consequence," he replied, waving his hand dismissively at Bella. "A waste of my time, really. Come on, sexy girl. I want you to use your adjectives as you describe the flowers while you suck my cock." He tugged on her hand, leading her away from us.

"Will I get my A, then?" the girl tittered, hanging on Paul. He turned over his shoulder, smirking like an asshole, palming his companion's ass. He smacked it, earning a squealing giggle from the girl. Narrowing my eyes at Paul, I hated him more. He was a monster, a deviant who preyed on young women. Bella was obviously one of his 'victims.'

Turning to Bella, she was barely holding herself together, tears falling freely as she probably replayed the events of the shortbut painful exchange with her ex-boyfriend. Now, I wanted to kick his ass for making my girl cry and then prosecute him for something, but I don't think there's law against being a douchebag. His actions were deplorable and unethical, but not illegal.

If the girl was underage, though...everything changes.

I took Bella's face in my hands, removing her glasses. Her brown eyes were dead and she was very upset. "Pretty girl," I cooed.

"A waste of his time?" she whimpered. "Three years was a waste? What if...what if you think that?"

"Never, Bella. I promise," I said, crushing her to my chest. She clutched my shirt, sobbing quietly against my shoulder. I had to make this better. I wanted to make her happy. I wanted to show her that she wasn't a waste of anyone's time. If anything, Paul was a waste of skin and oxygen. I desperately wanted to show Bella that I loved her and that I wasn't going to leave. Yes, it took me a long time to realize that Bella was the one for me. Well, a long time and a night a drunken sex and debauchery, an illicit 'friends with benefits' arrangement, and nearly losing her because of that arrangement, but I loved her and wanted it all with her.

Marriage, 2.5 kids, a dog, a house, a white picket fence and a minivan.

Slow down, Cullen...

"What do you want to do, pretty girl?" I asked, cradling her head.

"Can we go home?' she sniffled. "I'm sorry about ruining our date, but..."

"Do not apologize. You have every right to be upset, Bella. Paul was cruel and a total douche canoe. Why don't I drive us home and we can take a nap? Spend time cuddled together?"

"It won't be a waste of your time?" she snorted snidely.

"Bella, look at me," I said, forcing her to stare into my eyes. "You will never waste my time, Bella. Never. Not in a million years. You're stuck with me. Don't let the opinion of one asshole bring you down. You're better than him." I love you...

She smiled half-heartedly, nodding. I kissed her with as much tenderness and love as I could before we walked to the car. Mentally planning the rest of the night, I needed to show her that she was special and amazing and not a waste of anyone's time.

Damn you, Paul, to the deepest pits of hell!

A/N: First chapter I've written in nearly a week! WOO HOO! Up next will be, um...well, you'll see...But, to give you a hint, it will be a longer chapter and some pictures posted on my tumblr only. O.o Leave me some!

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