Chapter One Hundred Forty-Eight

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 148


"Bells, come on! We're going to be late!" I barked. It was Thanksgiving weekend. Alice and Jasper decided to do a combined bachelor and bachelorette party in Vegas. All of us were flying out of Midway on Tuesday night, staying until Sunday afternoon.

"Sorry," she said, dragging her bag down the stairs. Our apartment was repaired and we moved back in after our two week stay at the Fairmount Millennium Park. However, we were looking for something bigger and something more permanent. Our relationship had definitely improved greatly and we were one of those couples. Obnoxiously lovey-dovey and nausea inducing. "I couldn't figure out what to bring. I know I should have packed last night."

"Whatever you don't have, we'll buy, love," I said, picking up her suitcase and dragging her out to the waiting limo I had ordered for us. I did not want to deal with the hassle of parking and traffic. Even in the limo, I was a nervous wreck. We had enough time, but we were going to be cutting it close because you never know what the security lines are going to be like. Somehow, by the grace of God, we got to the airport with time to spare. Alice was shooting us daggers when we finally sat down at the gate, but we got there.

The flight was fine. Bella freaked out when we landed because it looked like we were landing on the strip. However, that was forgotten immediately when we got into the stretch limo that Bellagio provided for us since we were staying there for the party.The people who were in attendance were obviously Alice and Jasper, Bella and me, the best man and maid of honor, Emmett and Angela, who got roped into coming and was in for the shock of her life and Seth and Layla. Alice and Jasper did invite Jasper's family, but the bowed out. Jessie, Jasper's sister who was standing up for the wedding, couldn't make it because of some family commitment, though she did say that she would rather be with us then at the family thing.

We checked into the hotel, putting our bags into our rooms. We all insisted on staying with our significant others, much toAlice's chagrin. Once we checked in, we all scattered to the wind to do whatever we wanted to do since Wednesday began our scheduled times of fun. Bella and I went to the blackjack tables and spent most of the night there. I got creamed whereas Bella walked away, tripling her original bet. We went upstairs after that, wanting to test the king-sized bed. And so, we did. Until our wake up call.

I was a freaking zombie as we went to a nearby sports book to watch some random cricket game that Jasper wanted to see. Bella and the rest of the women were enjoying spa treatments, ranging from massages, waxing, manicures, pedicures and whatever else they do at the spa. After three hours of watching a game I didn't understand, I excused myself so I could be ready for our night out on the town, going to various clubs. I dragged my exhausted ass back to my room to take a nap. I wasn't surprised to see Bella's naked body curled up in the mess of sheets. I kissed her temple, curled around her and promptly crashed.

That night, we went to several very loud and very obnoxious clubs. Bella and I were still slightly jetlagged and experiencing a sex hangover, but we managed to dance and grind with everyone. Everyone except Emmett and Angela. She was in complete shock at the behavior of everyone at the club. She was still very conservative and her room with Emmett had two queen sized beds as opposed to one king. Alice and Bella noticed her discomfort, going out on the dance floor with her to get her to loosen up. She eventually did, thanks to the three cosmos and two Jaeger bombs she drank.

The next day, Thanksgiving, we were all pretty hung over. Alice gave us a reprieve and an opportunity to just be tourists. The only thing she wanted was that we met at the Paris replica of the Eiffel Tower at nine to see the Bellagio fountain show from atop the tower. Bella and I wandered around the strip, randomly ducking into various hotels and casinos to play a few slots or a hand or two at the blackjack table.

At nine, we met up with our party and the Eiffel Tower was closed for us. We rode up the elevator and randomly roamed about the top. "I've always wanted to go to Paris," Bella murmured, snuggling in my arms. "The city of lights...the city of love..."

"I'll take you there," I replied, kissing her neck. "Perhaps for our honeymoon."

"Marriage?" she smiled, looking back at me. "Honeymoon?"

"I told you before that you're stuck with me, Bells," I said, giving her a crooked grin.

"I wouldn't call it stuck with you, Edward," she chided. "I'm in love with my best friend." She kissed me and sighed contentedly, cuddling herself further into my embrace.

Do it. You've already asked her dad. He said yes. Do. It.

"I'm love with my best friend, too," I said, turning her to the side. "Bells, I didn't plan on doing this here, but the door opened and I'm stepping through, taking a risk."

"What are you talking about?" Bella asked.

I got down on one knee, reaching into my pocket and pulled out the box that held her ring. Yes, I was that guy who carried her ring everywhere. "Bella...Isabella Marie Swan...I've been in love with you for over eleven years. Ten of those years, I was tooafraid to cross that boundary of friendship. One night, that all changed. My dreams came true. Our dreams came true. Every day, I wake up to my best friend. We laugh, have fun, act silly and just get each other. Every night, I get to hold you in my arms, safe and protected. Forever, I will love you. Always, I will be with you. Bella, will you marry me?"

I opened the box and nervously held out the diamond and sapphire engagement ring. Bella was crying, her mouth covered by her hands. "Oh my God," she whispered. "Really?"

"Yes, really," Alice giggled. "He's been carrying that ring for months. Answer him!"

"Edward, yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" she squealed. I beamed, taking out her ring and slid it on her ring finger. How I didn't drop it, I'll never know, but it was on her finger, where it will stay always. She barely looked at it before our lips were crashed together, kissing each other feverishly. We pulled a part, staring into each other's eyes. "Edward?"

"What, my love?" I asked.

"I don't want to wait. I love you so much and I want to be your wife. I want our lives to truly begin," she whispered. "We are in Vegas..."

"You want to do this here? Now?"

"Well, not now...but before we go," she giggled. "I don't want a big wedding. You know that. Everyone, except my family and yours, are here."

"Let me work some magic, Mrs. Cullen, but we're getting married," I smiled, kissing her deeply. "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Ipicked her up and spun her as best I could in the tiny walkway. "I love you, Bella. You've made me the happiest man in the world tonight."

"Just wait until I say 'I do,'" she purred, snuggling in my arms.

I do...

A/N: Okay, I lied. Two more real chapters, one in Edward and one in Bella...then the epilogue. 

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