Chapter Fifty-Six

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Fifty-Six


"I'm going to bed." I darted up to my childhood bedroom and locking the door. Dialing Edward, I giggled.

"Was that too much?" Edward asked worriedly in lieu of a greeting.

"It was perfect! He definitely backed down quickly," I squealed. "It was a combination of the text and the picture that must have clued him in. Thank you, Edward. I owe you, big time."

"It's the least I can do since you were my pretend girlfriend at the benefit," Edward snorted.

"Well, I really appreciated it," I said, laying down on the bed.

"I also meant what I said in the text," he murmured.



"Bella, breathe," I chuckled. I could hear her choking in the background. "Swan! Will you relax?"

"What did you mean in the text?" she squeaked.

That I love you? "I miss you, Bells. Christmas Eve just isn't the same without your special brand of snark," I laughed. "My mom doesn't have her drinking buddy and Emmett really missed you while we played Pictionary. You two kill at that game."

"I don't know why. I can't draw to save my life," Bella snorted.

"I think that Emmett can understand your scribblings," I chuckled. "Seriously, though. I do miss you. The apartment hasn't been the same since you left and, um, well...I just miss you."

"I miss you, too. As weird as it sounds, I miss your hot sweaty body," Bella giggled.

"I'm not hot and sweaty," I huffed.

"Okay, you make me hot and sweaty. You are like an octopus when you sleep. Such a cuddle monster," Bella said.

"And this is a bad thing?" I scoffed.

"No. I miss that. Almost as much as I miss you," Bella murmured. "Thank you again for getting Jacob off my case. I was about ready to pummel my dad for inviting him over for dessert."

"May I ask why?"

"He's a nice guy, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. I want to be able to have a conversation with the guy that I'm with and not lead him. Plus, he doesn't want to leave Washington. In fact, he alluded to me moving back here so I could work in Port Angeles High School. I'm happy in Chicago, thank you very much," Bella explained.

"That's good," I said, fearful that she would up and move back to Forks. Why would she, moron? She loves the city. Adores it, really. "That's good that you're happy in Chicago."

"I love the city. So much action and culture and a great bar scene! Plus, I've got the best roommate ever," she giggled.

"I beg to differ," I snickered. "My roomie is awesome and she makes these Italian delicacies that make my belly happy."

"What should I make next?" she asked.

"It's been awhile since you've made ravioli," I hummed, laying back on my bed. "Mushroom ravioli with alfredo sauce?"

"When I get back, I'll make you that, Edward. It's the least I can do since you saved me from the evil dog, Jacob 'Leg Humper' Black."

"So, have you used your toy?" I asked, my cheeks flaming.

"No. This trip is timed perfectly. I just got my shot and I'm having girly issues. When I get back, I should be ready to go for some action. Have you read your books? Watched your videos?" Bella purred.

"I started watching one," I said. "It was very informative, but I think we could definitely improve on it."

"What was the scenario?" Bella asked.

"A student with her teacher," I gulped. "You got a bad grade and, um, you wanted to get a higher score."

"Does it require acting? Costumes?"

"Yes, to both," I chuckled nervously.

"Send me an email with what I need to buy and I'll get it while I'm here. We can have our sexy fun time, you pretending to be my teacher while I beg and plead with you to make my grade better," Bella purred.

"Fuck me," I groaned.

"When I get back, Cullen. I promise."

"I'll hold you to it, Bells," I choked out. "Now, I've got a problem that I need to address and well, a shower calling my name. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"No...I want to see," Bella purred. "Try out my new webcam."

"Say what?"

A/N: Ahhhh, webcam, Skype sex...Bella's going to have so much fun with this and Edward...yeah. ;-) Leave me some!

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