Chapter Sixty-Five

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Sixty-Five


Being on medical leave sucks. Just saying. I was bored out of my mind, unable to do the things I wanted or needed to do and all I had left to do was ponder my backwards proposal of being Edward's fuck buddy. Not like we'd done anything recently.Having sex with a cast on is not exactly sexy.

Now, Edward had been amazing. He doted on me, practically spoiling me, while I was a gimp. The first couple of days, he carried me up and down the stairs, bringing me whatever I needed and hung out with me, watching bad Lifetime movies. He even helped me in the shower, wrapping my cast up in a plastic baggy. He washed my hair and body, making me feel quite cherished. That was, in my opinion, far more intimate than any of the sex we'd shared up to that point. It also confused me to no end.

When he had returned to work, our apartment was a rotating door of his family. Esme hung out with me for the first few days. It was weird talking to her while she was completely sober. Carlisle swung by later that week, giving me a checkup, probably at Edward's insistence. He also found me a name of a good orthopedic doctor, getting me an appointment for early the following week.

After my appointment, that harbored great news, my cast was coming off in two weeks, I hung out with Emmett. He seemed pretty forlorn and I was curious to why. "What's up, gentle giant? You seem down."

"Edward and I had a fight just before New Year's. We haven't really talked it out and I miss my bro," Emmett frowned. "Plus, Rose won't leave me the hell alone."

"Have you considered changing your phone number?" I asked, shifting on the couch. I was now able to get around for short distances without the crutches. I still used one, to make sure I didn't break the good ankle.

"I have, three times," he deadpanned. "She's turned into some crazy stalker. She's never touched me, but when I least expect it, Rose will pop out and beg for forgiveness."

"Is her hair still blue?" I quipped.

"No. It's super short, though. A little bit longer than Edward's," Emmett snickered. "Anyhow, if she keeps this up, I'm going to have to go to the police. What about you? You seem pretty quiet. I know you're gimpy, but that normally doesn't stop you from sharing in your special brand of snark."

I bit my lip. Perhaps Emmett could shed some light on what I was dealing with. I know that I had said that no one could know about our arrangement, but not being able to...I'll tell Emmett. Not divulge too many details, but tell him. "I've got a lot on my mind," I mumbled.

"Tell your pal, Emmett. What can I do?" he asked, patting my leg.

"Well, recently, I broke with Paul. You know that. Anyhow, a friend of mine, who is also single, well...we got hammered and ended up in bed. Whenever we had an itch, we'd scratch it with each other and I'm feeling like I'm using my friend. I'm notlooking for a relationship, to be perfectly honest, but my friend is, I guess, giving me suggestion that he possibly wants more?"

"Does Edward know?" Emmett asked.

"Not really. Well, he knows that I'm not ready for a relationship but not about the casual sex I'm having," I blushed. "Not that I'm having much of anything right now. Due to my injury, the sex has been stopped by me."

"Do you care about the guy or is he just a fuck buddy?" Emmett asked, cringing slightly.

"I care about the guy a great deal, but I don't want a relationship. Not right now. I've been in some sort of crappy relationship or another since I was a senior in high school. The problem is that the sex is fucking amazing. He's a great lover, very attentive and hella sexy. I am just afraid that the guy thinks that I'm using him for sex. In a way, I am, but I still want to be friends with him. I'm confused and horny," I grumbled.

"Bella, be up front with the guy. If he's willing to stay in the arrangement, then no harm, no foul. If he wants more, he'll eventually resent you. I don't know. I'm not in the right place to offer any sort of advice on this. I'm dealing with a stalker ex-girlfriend and yeah," he shrugged.

"It's okay, Em. It just felt nice to at least vent what I was frustrated about. You know?"

"Well, if I come up with any kernels of wisdom, I'll send them your way," Emmett said, gripping my hand. "Now, what do you want for lunch? Italian or Chinese?"

"Um, neither? I've got a hankering for Mexican. Yo quiero Taco Bell," I quipped.

"Toxic Hell...coming right up!" Emmett beamed.

A/N: So, now, Emmett has heard both of them share their frustrations about the arrangement. Will he figure it out that they're both talking about each other? We're switching gears, back to Edward. Leave me some!

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